10 Class Represtatives

Start from the beginning

Aizawa: I haft to say most of you did an excellent job, but there are some flaws, Bakugou you need to control your temper, todoroki you can't just freeze the entire building you have to be careful with your partner and Mineta stop being a pervert. Mostly out of all of you the one who impressed me the most was Midoriya.

The entire class including myself was surprise. They were all wondering how can a quirkless person like me to great at the combat training?

Aizawa: you did some good planning and think ahead of your opponent

Izuku: well thanks?

Aizawa: Anyway today's task will decide the fate your future

Class 1-a thoughts: is it another quirk test

Aizawa: you'll all need to pick a class representative

Class 1-a: oh just normal school stuff

As everyone was raising their hand wanting to be class rep but your probably thinking why we'll in a normal class a class rep it's just some extra work, but in UA it's way to show how you can lead a team and get the attention by heroes

Tenya: Everyone quiet!!! We shall this with an election

Class 1-a thoughts: it's obvious you want us to vote for you

Anyway we decided by voting as everyone was putting their votes in I was voting for my friend Momo since she could handle something like this but I also wanted to be class rep but I think no one would vote for me since I'm quirkless well Ochako yes but the others no. As votes were in I saw that I have 5 votes and Momo had 2

Izuku mind: wait I got more votes

Bakugou: ok you idiots who voted for him

Sero: what did you honestly think people were gonna boy for you?

Bakugou: the fuck you say?!

Aizawa: anyway the class rep is Midoriya and our deputy is yaoyorozu

Izuku: well I just want to say I'll do my best to be the best class rep

After the votes it was time for lunch. I was sitting with the gang but this time 2 of our classmates join us it was Tsuyu and Tokoyami.

Izuku: so why did you guys vote for me?

Kirishima: well the way you acted in the combat training we thought you can actually lead a team

Ochako: yeah when I saw you telling me to go it was the exact same way a leader would do

Mina: who knows maybe after we graduate we can form a team of our own

Izuku: yeah though Iida the engines on your legs and your costume you don't have happen to be the brother of the pro hero Ingenium?

Tenya: well it's actually true he's my older brother also how did you figure that out

Izuku: Well the way you move and how you look similar to him I putted the pieces together

Tenya: wow I didn't know you were good at solving that

Todoroki: well Iida we sometimes call Izuku the worlds greatest detective

Tenya: really?

Kirishima: it's true one time I didn't know what animal broke into my house until Izuku figure out it was a cat because it was stealthy

Mina: yeah that's one true

Before we discuss anything else the alarm went off and other students in the cafeteria panic. I saw someone accidentally hit Ochako so I got close to her and protect

Kirishima: what is happening

Momo: I don't know

Izuku: have an idea

I grab my backpack and pull out my make and activate lenses to scan the area to see that the reporter from outside have enter the building.

Izuku: Momo I need a microphone

Momo: ok

After she created the microphone I grab a grapple gun from my backpack shot it up and as I rose o stop and yell with the Microphone.

Izuku: Everyone STOP! Idiots there is no villain attack the reporters have broken in to the building so stop panicking your hurting others around I'm sure the pro heroes will handle this situation.

As I got back down I put everything back in my backpack and told my friends we should get back to class.

As we waited for everyone to enter there was something on my mind. How did the reporters enter the building? Aizawa came in and told what a good job I did.

Aizawa: Anyway class is dismissed hope your ready for tomorrow cause we will be doing the next step of being heroes.

As he got in his sleeping bag I was the first to leav to go check out where the reporters broke in. I found out that the wall outside of the school has been disintegrated.

Izuku: so this is where the reporters broke in. But no explosion, so someone was here before the reporters must have been a villain he or she must've use their quirk I should get back the other must be worried about

As I walk I bumped into someone

Izuku: sorry I didn't me to bump into you

???: That's ok but what are you doing here

I saw that it was Midnight, and I became super embarrassed

Midnight: aren't you Izuku Midoriya the quirkless kid who attended UA

Izuku: yes

Midnight: and what are you doing here

Izuku: well I decided to investigate who the reporters enter here and I kind of figure it out

Midnight: really how

Izuku: well I saw that the outside wall has been disintegrated so my guess would be that a villain was here

Midnight: that sounds serious I tell the other heroes thanks for the help

Izuku: no problem midnight I'll see you tomorrow

As I walk back to my motorcycle I saw the gang approach me

Izuku: hey guys

Ochako: Deku where did you go

Kirishima: yeah bro you left early at class

Izuku: sorry if I made you guys worry I decided to go investigate of how the reporters broke in

Shoto: did you find something

Izuku: we should be more careful because I believe villains are behind this

Momo: that we should tell the heroes

Izuku: I already told Midnight so she could tell the others anyway I'll see you guys tomorrow

As I lefts I decided to plan on more weapons to bring tomorrow


???: is everything ready

Shigaraki: yes tomorrow the symbol of peace will die

To Be Continue....

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