Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Only a single grain of sand floated in the darkness. Perhaps there were others. Some barely visible to the eye. This one, though, was different.

It taunted her in the eternal abyss. Mocked her with its vibrance. Dared her to reach out for it. She did, but it was only an illusion.

It was too far away, even by reasonable standards. Too far into the cosmic nothing that enveloped her. But what else was there?

Some darker shade of the same glint? Each a degree of the same emptiness that surrounded her? No. This single grain of light was hers.

She wanted it. She wanted to pluck it for herself. Cradle it with affection. Nourish its growth and gain nourishment from her efforts.

She stretched for it again. And again. And again. Each time, it grew a little closer. A little larger. A little more distinct.

Her own hand blocked its promise each time she reached for it. That worried her. As if each time its light was masked from her eyes, it would disappear completely. Forever.

The warmth, though, never faded. Like the rays of the sun, it kissed her palm. Affirmed its existence with its subtle light. She wanted it for herself.

The world through her fingers sighed. Cool and crisp, it danced in her bangs. She sighed with it and let her hand fall to her side.

The grain of sand was a jewel that slid through the pastoral sky. Its sleepy head sank toward the horizon wrapped in blankets of blue and yellow and violet and orange. She did the same, letting her head rest in the support behind her.

He would kiss her if she tilted her chin up to him. He wouldn't miss the opportunity. Even if he did, she would wait. If she waited too long, she would take it for herself.

Their lips met as the sunset flourished at the end of the world. She leaned into him and studied the heartbeat thudding against her. His hands wrapped the mountain extending from her belly. Coy fingertips teased the knotted monstrosity of her once normal belly button and she squeezed them shyly.

She glanced over his shoulder. Murky outlines faced the jewel dancing over the ocean waves. Some lounged on towels. Some ran or were chased.

Her hands anchored to his cheeks and pulled him deeper into her world. Lips and nose and hazel eyes. Warmth and laughter. She let her eyes sink to take it all in.

All for nothing. The light faded. The laughter and the warmth. The strength supporting her as she inhaled his tangy essence. It all faded beyond the curtain of her eyes and left her with an empty haze of nothing.

She fought against its disappearance. Fought for that one last moment of surety. Fought the same way she had fought to reach the single glint of sand in the dark and empty cosmos.

Her weight sunk in a foreign way and for a moment, she panicked. The cobalt blue attacking her eyes was too bright. It would burn her eyeballs out of their sockets and leave her blind. She turned from it and lurched when the weight in her hand resisted her movements.

When had she drawn her sword? That wasn't right. She had been in the corridor. Everything had disintegrated. She had disintegrated. Had she been hallucinating?

She tried to piece the things she remembered back together while the ethereal blade in her hand faded to wisps. She had taken in all but one of the remaining seeds and then... If it was dream, it was the freakiest she could remember having. Even compared to those she'd had as a naive mortal.

Every Hero Deserves a Blowjob [A Paranormal Romance]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя