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Zack's POV
The timeline finally managed to catch up with us but there was a irreversible effect Ellie didn't have much immunity to blood blossoms.We learned that when she fell to the ground and fainted.I panicked.
"What's happening to her?!!!!!"I asked
"I think she is just poisoned by the blood blossoms!!"Valerie said.
"Don't worry I am sure Danny has a cure"Jazz said or should it be Aunt?
"I actually don't have one"Danny said and when he said that we all panicked.
"But I think we have a cure for that"He said while pointing to me.
"What?!!Where?!!"Team Phantom said except Ellie,Zack,and Danny
"Him"he said
"But why me?"I asked
"What are we gonna do?!!"I asked again still muttering things.
"First of all calm down!!"Sam said.
"You aren't the only one panicking"Tucker said
"Panicking never does anyone good"Valerie said
"You have a cure for it inside you I think....."Danny said
"Well it's better than not doing anything"I said
I took a syringe and got some of my blood it was red yet it had some other red like fire,brown,and green colors mixed in.
"Are you even half sure this is gonna work?"I asked
"Clockwork hasn't stopped us so it's a good thing"Sam or Mom said.Ok that's weird calling someone mom the same age as me sounds wrong..... very wrong.
"Ok here goes nothing"I injected my blood to Ellie and then her breathing was now slowly returning back to normal yet I need this to be faster so I changed to my ghost form and shared some of my energy to her and then the class saw me.
"It's Zack Phantom!!! he's going to save us"Mickey said
"I knew one of my ghost boys is going to help me"Paulina said.
"Don't move ghost scum!!!"Maddie and Jack said.
"Ok to answer those statements First of all me and Danny Phantom are not your ghost boys we already have a lover second I only came here to help her"I said while pointing at Ellie"and third excuse you both of you are more of a scum than I am think about it your supposed to be geniuses"I said.The Fentons thought about it but I think Jack was the only one who understood.Everyone panicked and I can't take it anymore all the noise is making me angry.I looked at Danny and he gave a look that said he will help later so I clapped my hand loudly.
"Ok now that I have your attention I will help you but on one condition you will not fire your weapons unless I said so I will give you 5 minutes to think about it"I said then I returned to Ellie's side.Kwan then approached me and said.
"Don't worry she's a tough girl besides you already have a lover so why worry about Danielle?"Kwan said.To say that it pissed me of is an understatement but I should keep my cool so I said this.
"She looks a lot like my younger sister that's why I helped her"I lied which was half true she really looks a lot like my little sister because she is really my little twin sister.
" wanna talk about it?if it's ok with you"Kwan asked he is really good at heart but Dash forces him to bully other students.
"Yeah thanks well to be honest I died only a few days ago"I said.
"So your my age?"
"Yep but I have a regret a big one I wasn't able to see my two little sisters and my little brother grow up"I said.
"Life's harsh"
"Tell me about it"I said.Trying to hold my tears.
"Well what if she really is your little sister?"Kwan said trying to comfort me.
"Can't be she's on the Philippines all of them and my siblings names are from oldest which she is the same age as me is Ashley while the next one is Wayne and my little brother's name is Shayne"I said.Still almost all of it was true except for the name and all of them being in the Philippines.
"Ok I think everyone already made a decision"Kwan said.I looked around and saw everyone was listening to us.
"Thanks Kwan you helped me out a lot"I said.Then I excused myself for a minute and I created a clone of me He immediately flew towards the class while I turned back and went toward Ellie and the others. (This is what Zack's speech will be  while The Clone's like this)

"Ok so what is your decision?"My clone asked.
"We will follow your condition as long as you will protect us"Mr. Lancer said  he knew about our secret but he still keeps quiet he earned another respect from me.
"Very well then follow me" He went to the ground and walked.
"We will be going to one of my friends lair so nobody shoot" Everyone followed him this is way to easy.I thought so I picked up Ellie bridal style and then followed my clone. The closest lair of one of our allies is the Far Frozen so we will go there.
------------(after 2 hours of walking)-------
"We are now close to my friends lair so put on some winter gear while I tell him about the news" My clone only got nods as an answer.He flew towards Frostbite's igloo and then knocked.
"Hello great one's friend what are you doing here?"Frostbite asked.
"The great one needs your help,will you help him?"The clone asked (keep in mind the clone and the original have the same brain)
"Certainly"Frostbite said.
"Thanks but the great one doesn't want his secret about being a halfa exposed so can you call us by our names?and Ellie has been poisoned of blood blossoms"The clone asked.
"As long as the great one wants it now I must hurry"
"Thanks again Frostbite"
"Your welcome"Frotbite then left and arranged a welcome party while my clone heads back I was having problems of my own.
"Zack change Ellie's clothes she's not going to the far frozen like that I mean she's wearing your clothes beside you change too"Danny said
"Why can't you change Ellie's clothes your her father?" I asked.
"Do you want anyone to see her naked?"Sam said
"No..." I have to admit I lost this one
"Good now change!beside your technically siblings and I know that you two went together and bathe at the same time once"Danny said its a good thing that were seperated from the other's.Well he wasn't wrong both of us were always taking a bath together until the you know what.I took off her/my shirt from Ellie as well as her/my pants only to reveal her cute underwear but it was drenched in sweat so I need to take it off of her or she will get sick.I blushed at the thought.I reached for her bra's hook then I unhooked it then when I took of her bra it revealed her developing cute liitle boobs it was a sight to be hold.I saw her panties and I knew I had to take those of too but can I really do it?do it for her even if your gonna die from her hands later when she finds out.I took off her panties (I won't go in detail mind you)to say that it got me hard is another understatement.I grabbed a pair of underwear from the bag and made put it on her.I grabbed the winter gear and put it on her the I changed as well.I put our dirty clothes in the bag and I was still blushing.I went out of the cave while carrying the bag and Ellie still blushing hard.Then Danny approached me.
"Good job hanging in there"He said another thing but it will be a secret for now.My clone returned blushing but nobody noticed it except Mr. Lancer and the adult Fentons they were surprised to see him blushing Mr. Lancer looked at me and gave a look that said 'don't worry I won't tell anyone'look.Mr. Lancer it's not what you think!!Oh ancients I think I am gonna fully die out of embarrassment.This is so not fair but if it's for Ellie I will do it especially today that Valentines day is near.I need to think of something.We waited for only 5 minutes and then Frostbite's welcoming party arrived.
"You must be the ones who the great one protects?"
"Great one?"everyone asked.
"Danny Phantom"My clone said.Everyone oh...ed.
"We must hurry Ellie is fighting right now!"I said.
"Why not just leave her here to rot?!!"Paulina said.Ok that's it I am mad.
"Frostbite take Ellie and the others leave me and Paulina here"Me and my clone said.Everyone was shocked at both of us saying that.Frostbite took everyone and went towards the Far Frozen.
"Let's see how you will hold out here in the Ghost Zone without anyone"
"I have both of you duh..."With that I disappeared
"This is not funny come out now!!"but there was no answer
"Please don't leave me I didn't mean what I said"
"Good now Frostbite I know your still there cause you know that I don't joke around when Ellie is in danger" Frostbite and the others showed themselves and Mickey asked Zack Phantom/my clone.
"Why did you say the exact same thing as Zack here?"
"Well great minds think a like"
"Don't compare yourself to me your far better than me and I can't even protect her" and with that I punched a huge boulder and it split in to two but that caused my wounds to open and made my fist bleed.Everyone was surprised even me because I didn't think that they will still be shocked/surprised at my strength I beated the crap out of two freaking ghosts and one of them was metal!!!
"You know that's not true right?"Jazz said.
"Yeah!!Ellie already said it to you earlier that none of it is your fault"Tucker said.
"We know that you worry for her because you are her brother but she's tough"Valerie said.
"And there is no one who is prouder of you and Ellie than me and Danny"Sam said.
"Thanks guys but that's not what I need right now I need to be sure that Ellie will be fine so let's hurry and go to the Far Frozen" I said.Everyone just nodded.
"This way everyone and buckle up"Frostbite said while pointing at what looked like a specter speeder but bigger and better.Everyone just obeyed and buckled up then the "Ship" flew towards a floating block of ice that looked like a part of Antarctica.
"Everyone be ready we are going to a really cold place"Frostbite said.
"Well since Frostbite 's got this I will leave look for my little sister in the realm of the living" I lied smoothly.Then when he got out of the ship he turned invisible and fused back to me.We entered the Far Frozen it was very cold.Especially for me I think.
"Give me the injured girl I will treat her"Frostbite said.
"Can I come with"I asked.
"Thanks again Frostbite"
"Your welcome and Tucker can you show them around"Frostbite said and everyone was surprised even Team Phantom because Frostbite tongue slipped.
"Oops"Frosbite said.
"What does he mean Tucker?!!"Maddie asked.
"Well me,Sam,Valerie,Jazz,and Danny have been in the Ghost Zone remember when we helped Phantom I mean Danny Phantom save Amity Park from Paraiah Dark"Tucker said almost sarcastically.
"Well that would explain it"Jack said.
"No it doesn't!!How did they know all of this ghosts?!!"Maddie said.
"Well there was a party for us"Valerie said.
"And it's not like you would create a party for us saving your butts besides you always forget my birthday!!"Danny practically shouted.
The students knew about Danny being forgotten by his parents but not this bad.
"No we do not!!"Maddie said.
"How old am I?"
"Your 12 of course!!"Maddie exclaimed like she knew the right answer.
"Wrong!!He's going to be 15 this Wednesday"Sam said.
"How dare you talk to me like that!!"Maddie said while almost pulling the trigger of the gun.
"Maddie don't you even dare to hurt her she's right and your wrong"Danny said surprising everyone.
"Don't talk to to me like that young man!!"
"I have the right you practically  disowned me when I was 6 you left me to depend on myself and Jazz"
Everyone was silent while me and Frosbite continued to walk towards the lab.When we got to the lab Frostbite told me to change Ellie's clothes to the white gown and put her inside the giant test tube filled with water with an oxygen mask to help her heal faster.

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