Dani's Visit

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No one's POV
It was a normal sunny day until you look at a nearby forest near Amity Park and see a large commotion.The GIW have been chasing and shooting at a small female figure that looks a lot like Danny Phantom.
Dani's POV
I was just going back to Amity Park after my visit from the Philippines and see my cousin again.I bet that he is worried I mean who wouldn't I just flew off dramatically to explore the world.It was going great except when you don't count the fact that I was hungry,skinny,a bit dehydrated,and the GIW is chasing me again and shooting at me.
"Why are you shooting at me I didn't do anything wrong?!!"I shouted as they shoot at me.They really stink at aiming their guns,Daddy I mean Danny wasn't kidding when he said that the GIW are one of the worst shooters in the world.What was I thinking calling the original my father I mean I am his clone a carbon copy of him.Even though I am a failure of a clone since I am a girl and he's a boy,and I am 12 while he's 14.
"We are taking you in order to have you undergo lot's and lot's of painful experiments"one of the agents said then pulled the trigger and it barely grazed my skin.They actually managed to hit me even though it barely hit.
"Agh...... That hurt you know!!!!!"I said.A few minutes later me and the GIW agents arrived at Amity Park they are still shooting at me. I was about to go to Fenton Works until they shot me with a net that has some ectoranium in it.I am not as strong as Dad-nny *gosh Danielle stop thinking about that*so I can't free myself.
------------(Meanwhile at Casper High:This is before the capture)--------------
Mr. Lancer's POV
Daniel has been staring outside with a look of longing clearly evident in his face,kind of like a father without his child.Well since I am teaching and I am already used to Daniel being gone so I will just get back to work.
Danny's POV
It is a very long time since I saw Danielle I really miss her.It's like I am now regretting my decision on letting her go and explore the world.I feel like she needs my protection,a home,her father or mother,heck I don't even know if she is eating right.I can see Mr. Lancer taking some glances at me but I don't care.I feel like a terrible father......WAIT!!! what am I saying, well since I already am in this topic a father is one who gives or the donor of genes to make a new being right?!!and Dani's a girl not a boy which means there's a girl donor.
wait for it....

just a little more......

and realization hit him straight to the face
OH......GOD..... Dani's not my clone she's my daughter!!!!because a clone is like a carbon copy of the but Dani's a girl and I am a boy, and she's physically 12 and but I am 14 even I don't know her mental age but I know that it is near of a toddler.I quickly jolted up and as I see the TV turn on since it is programmed to turn on when a ghost attacks and I see Dani get shot by the GIW I was really furious but I needed to calm down and excuse my self before I go through a rampage.
"Mr. Lancer can I go to the bathroom?"I said like I mean it.Which I do mean it.
"Go ahead Mr. Fenton"said Mr. Lancer.I quickly ran through the door and changed to my alter ego Danny Phantom and quickly flew out of the school but what I didn't know is I am up for the surprise of my entire half life.
Dani's POV
I can't break free of this net and I can't use my powers plus it's draining my energy.I can tell that my consciousness slipping from my grasp but I need to stay strong.The GIW agents electrocuted the net but as I lost my consciousness I shouted one last thing. (but it was more like a scream).
"DADDY HELP ME!!!......."and I lost my consciousness.
The Crowd's POV
We were all surprised at the little ghost girl she screamed her heart out for her Daddy nut we all knew that ghosts can't have children at least that's what the leading people in terms of ghost knowledge said.Well we can't be sure if that's real because most of the facts that they say are wrong like ghosts can't feel emotions but we saw a ghost arguing with his girlfriend, ghosts can't feel pain but when there is a fight between Amity Park's hero and a random ghost and they hit each other you can see and hear the pain.That's why we no longer believe in what they say but we are afraid of saving the poor girl because we don't know if those ectoguns can heart humans.All that changed when we saw a black blur that is coming right for the GIW and it was growling like a Lion looking out for it's family.The blur went down from the sky and crashed at the ground the impact of the blur created tons of smoke and a very large crater.Then Danny Phantom Amity Park's hero emerged from the crater but something was different his eyes were flashing from toxic green eyes to blood red eyes,his teethe has fangs very large fangs,and his hair were almost like flames.We were all startled when we heard his voice.
"WHO THE HELL HURT MY DAUGHTER?!!!!"you can hear the venom in his voice and wait!! the girl is Phantom's daughter but we didn't have time to think about that for now because we are so afraid that we just pointed at the GIW as a response.
He quickly looked at the GIW's position and then the GIW spoke.
"We did and we are proud of ourselves we are finally able to bring out your true colours Phantom besides you ghosts can't reproduce your just the pigment of the mind of a deceased person and your made out of ectoplasm"you wouldn't do that if we were you he's clearly angry at you and he saved the world while you didn't even help you just tried to capture some of the ghosts helping us out from the Disasteroid.We were all taken back to reality when Phantom flew towards the GIW holding them at their collars and said
"WE ALREADY PROVED A LOT OF THINGS THAT YOU SAID THAT IS FALSE AND WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT YOU HAVE BEEN EXPERIMENTING ON GHOSTS THAT AREN'T SENTIENT THAT'S WHY I HAVE BEEN LETTING YOU DO THAT SO YOU CANNOT BOTHER US BUT NO.... YOU DECIDED TO HURT MY DAUGHTER AND NOW YOU WILL FACE MY WRATH!!!"He threw one of the GIW agents at the ground and he created copies of himself then the original quickly flew towards his daughter while the clones fought the other GIW agents.We were all surprised at our young hero's behavior.He really seems like a good father.
"THIS IS A WARNING TO ALL OF THE GHOSTS,HUMANS AND HALFA'S OUT THERE YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH ME BUT NOBODY TOUCHES MY FAMILY ESPECIALLY MY DAUGHTER!!!!!"He destroyed everything that the GIW collected from his daughter and kicked the agents asses without breaking a sweat then he immediately flew off.The destruction and the new information are still present at our confused brain but there is one question we would like to be answered.How much do we know about our hero? and who's the mother?
Danny's POV
I quickly flew towards Fenton Works while invisible then I turned intangible and flew inside my room.I gave Dani some of my ectoplasmic energy so she can heal faster. I changed back to human and tended to her wounds.There wasn't much wounds,there was only some burn marks and scratches but she was severely malnourished.Ok!!! that's it!! I am going to make her gain weight even if she doesn't want to but I quickly grew drowsy and I know school got cancelled so I can sleep so I slept beside Dani while hugging her protectively then Dani turned back to human unknowingly.
Sam and Tucker's POV
Danny quickly got out of the classroom then after a few minutes there was a attack but not from a ghost it was from the GIW and Dani was there in a net unconscious after a few seconds Danny came but we were scared he looked like Dan then the teachers announced that school was cancelled.We quickly ran to Fenton Works and rushed to Danny's room not bothering to knock but we didn't expect what we saw Danny was hugging Dani protectively in human form both of them.
Tucker's POV
I quickly snapped some photos for blackmail later and I was so worried about Dani.She is all wrapped up and healing.There were only band aids and some bandage but what worried me the most is how skinny she is you can practically make out her bone structure.I looked at Sam that looks like she is also worried about Dani and having the same thoughts like mine so we called our parents and asked if we can stay with Danny for a while and I made another call to cancel my appointments because something urgent came up.We have nothing to do so we played Doom for the meantime.
Jazz's POV
I was about to head home and surprise them that we have a mini vacation until I saw the news stating that Danny Phantom has a daughter so I pulled over and watched it.
"Breaking news in Amity Park our town hero Danny Phantom has a daughter who looks like him so we can't deny that fact but one question remains who's the mother?"the news reporter said.I ran back to my car and went home.I quickly burst through the front door and to Danny's room but I calmed as I saw Danny laying down on a bed with a girl.WAIT!!! THERES A GIRL BESIDE DANNY IS HE CHEATING ON SAM?!!!.Jazz calm down there is a good explanation for this then I saw Sam and Tucker playing Doom so I tip toed to them and surprised them.
"Ahhh......Jazz what'd you do that for?"They both said in synch
"Wait..... Jazz!!!"they both said as they hugged me
"Ok explain why is Danny with a girl that looks like she's 12 years old and severely malnourished?!Sam is Danny cheating on you?!!why don't you look worried that he might be cheating?!!!what was the news saying that Danny has a daughter?!!!!"
"Jazz calm down the girls name is Dani with an "i" she's sorta Danny's clone,Danny will explain,No he's not cheating on me,I am not worried because she's more like a family to the three of us,and I don't know maybe Danny came to a realization?.."Sam said calmly.I am still worried.Then Danny woke up and saw us.
"*yawns*Jazz is that you.....?"
"Yes and you have a lot of explaining to do!!!"
"Ok but I can't get out of this position so I will explain while looking like this and I can't go intangible because I am to weak right now"
"Ok then spill it!!"
after an hour long of explanation I ran back to the subject and said something to him
"I am so proud of you little brother" as I hugged him but I didn't get far because he is still hugging Dani protectively.
It was now 5:00 P.M. approximately 3 hours after the event and Dani woke up.
Dani's POV
My head hurts wait... where am I?!!!.I opened my eyes and saw 3 people and another one hugging me protectively.When my vision cleared I saw Sam and Tucker talking to Jazz and Danny was the one hugging me.
"Did anyone catch the plate number of the truck that hit me?"
"Dani!!!!"They all said in synch.Then Danny woke up and hugged me tight
"Danny....I can't...... breathe....."
"Sorry princess besides don't call me Danny!!!"oh....no why didn't he want me to call him Danny is he angry at me wait why did he call me princess?what did I do to make him mad.
"Don't worry I am not angry at you.I just want you to call me what you called me earlier"wait what did I call him earlier.I think it was Daddy but why would he want to be called that?.Well it's worth the shot.
"yes princess"OMG I think he wants to be my father.Yes I have a father now this day is the best!!!
"Wait here I am going to get something"I just nodded while trying to hide my excitement which was not hard because I am still to weak.Then he went intangible and went down the stairs.
"Ok anyone wants to explain?"
"Explain what?"said Sam
"Danny's response!! I mean Daddy's" while Sam,Tucker and Jazz laughed.
"Don't worry he's just worried about you"said Tucker while laughing.A after a minute Danny came back oops I mean Daddy with a bowl filled with something but I can't make out the contents.
"Princess I am back!!" Daddy said excited
"Open wide..!!"Daddy said while giving me a spoon full of soup
"I can feed myself you know"
"Sorry but that's not going to happen while I am around"(unless when there are other people around except team phantom)
"No buts, now open wide"so I just went along with Daddy's orders.I finished the soup.It was tasty.
"Ok Dani don't call me Daddy when we are with other people only team Phantom knows so that our identity's are hidden,Ok?"
"Ok Daddy"
"That's my girl"
"Hey!!I thought I was your girl"Sam said angrily
"Ahh... Sam your my girl to but your my girlfriend and Dani's future mom heck maybe Dani was created with both our genes which reminds me" he said  he changed to his alter ego and flew off.
"Ok that was weird"We all said in synch
Vlad's POV
I am just reading a book until I heard the alarms go off and said
"Phantom's in the building I repeat Phantom's in the building"Hologram Maddie said
"Vlad come out come out wherever you are?"
"I am right here Daniel"
"Um I have a question about Dani"
"You aren't here to fight me?and what's your question?"
"Well yes and who is the other donor?"
"Ah it's Samantha Manson wait here I am going to get the files"I changed to Vlad Plasmius and went to my underground lab and retrieved the files and placed then on an envelope.
"Here they are"I gave it to Daniel and he smiled
"Thanks Uncle Vlad this is the second greatest thing you have done for me"and then he hugged me.Daniel hugged me!!!!!
"So what is the greatest thing I have done for you?"while I hugged him back
"You gave me a wonderful daughter"I was shocked he's happy about that!!
"If you want uncle Vlad I will spend some time with you when vacation starts?"
"Sure Daniel your always welcome here"
"Bye uncle Vlad I need to show them this"he waved goodbye while smiling so I waved back
"See you later little badger"
See you on the next chapter i am going to be busy studying and passing my requirements before our periodical test so expect a chapter next week when were done with our periodical test bye....

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