New halfas?!!!

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Danny's POV
The first,second,third and fourth periods are done and surprisingly there was no ghost attacks which surprised me.Well better make this worth it and have lunch as a small family with no Dash to ruin it I must have hit him hard very hard.We picked our lunch me and Ellie have the same food but Ellie has more vegetables and Sam and Tucker have the usual.We sat down on our usual spot then I saw Valerie staring at us.
"Val you can join us if you want?"I asked her and she came to us.
"Hey Dani long time no see"Valerie said.Oh no I forgot about her knowing that she's Phantom's cousin.Did she figure it out?!!
"Hi Valerie how are you?"Ellie asked
"I am fine just angry at your cousin here or should I say Phantom"Valerie asked.
"Valerie please don't do this"I begged at her
"Don't worry I am not angry at you because I saw the footage in fact you actually helped my dad on improving security after the incident but on one condition explain everything how you became a halfa and I don't buy the cousin thing you look so much a like"Valerie said
"I have a lot of explaining to do but this will answer your question on how I became a halfa Tucker play it"I said then Tucker played the so called theme song.It was more of a rap actually.

*a phantom danny
*Phan- Danny phan- Danny phantom

Young Danny Phantom he was just 14 when his parents built a very Strange Machine
It was designed to view a world unseen
(He's gonna catch em all cuz he's danny phantom phantom)

When it didn't quite work his Folks
they just quit then Danny took a look inside of it
There was a great big flash
Every thing just changed
His molecules got all rearranged

(phantom phantom)

When he first woke up he realized he had snow white hair and
glowing green eyes
He could walk through walls
Disappear and fly
He was much more unique than the other guys
And it was then danny knew what he had to do
He had to stop all the ghosts that were coming through
He's here to fight for me and you
(He's gonna catch em all cuz he's danny phantom gonna catch em all Cuz he's danny phantom gonna catch em all cuz he's)

* Danny Phantom

"Thank you Tucker and for Ellie I am just going to tell you" after about 15 minutes I finished explaining and I went ahead and told her about the other's secrets I mean she's in team Phantom now.
"Thank you for telling me and I want to have ghost powers as well!!"Valerie pleaded right before us.
"Sam,Tucker,Ellie Help!!!"
"Nope!besides where's the harm"they all said.
"Ok fine Val see you later at my house but I am blaming you two when something bad happens"
"Hey what about Ellie?!!!"Tucker practically screamed
"How dare you she's still innocent!"I said while hugging Ellie protectively in which I earned a small giggle.
Then the class bell rang and then we all ran to our class since Valerie have the same schedule so she tagged along as well.We changed to our gym wear and went to the gym.
"Ok class there is going to be another student transferring here"Ms. Tetslaff said she gestured for the boy to enter.
"Hi my name is Zack Zapanta and I used to live in the Philippines until my mom worked here I am now 13 years old I hope I can be friends with all of you"he said nervously and he looks scrawny but I can't really see his features because of his baggy clothes (if you want to see what he looks like wait for the next chapter)
"Ellie I think he's looking at you"Tucker said to Ellie.
"Well he is cute"Ellie said while blushing and when he saw her blushing he blushed too.I was about to confront him when he walked towards Ellie and talked to her.
Dani's/Ellie's POV
Oh god the new guy is walking towards me he is so hot wait what am I saying?!!
"Hi I am Zack Zapanta but you can call me Zack what's yours?"Zack asked and he extended his hand towards me.
"Uh...Hi m-my n-name i-is Dan-nielle Fe-fenton"Why am I stuttering I sound like Dad then I grabbed his hand and shaked hands I am so not washing my hands.Before I even realised it I was blushing then I looked up and saw that he was blushing as well.OMG does he have feelings for me or something?!!Was it love at first sight?!!
"I just want to say that your beautiful do you mind if I hang out with you?"Zack said.He just asked if I mind hanging out with him.I mean it's technically like a date.
"Sure I don't mind"I said managing not to stutter.Then Dad butted in.
"Hello there my name is Danny Fenton and Danielle here is my cousin and she lives with me which means my house my rules"Dad said while he looked at him in a angry yet he is smiling expression.
"I am so sorry big brother"Zack said which confused me why did he call Dad big bother?while Dad looked furious until Zack spoke again.
"Oops I am so sorry I called you big brother it's because in my old country we call the kids or teens older than us kuya if the subject is male which translates to big brother here and ate if the subject is female"Zack said politely you can see that he wants to be forgiven for what he did.I looked at him and I was worried about him but my Dad here doesn't see him struggling so I dragged him while Mom,Uncle Tuck and Aunt Val comforted him.I dragged Dad into a corner and talked some sense to him.
"Dad why'd you do that for?!!"I said with anger and disappointment.
"What can I do he was flirting with you?!"Dad said
"Ok fine he was flirting with me but how would you feel if I was at his position?!!"I said.
"Well I would beat the crap out of anyone who looks at you angrily"Dad said.
"See Dad he doesn't have anyone to talk to and you can even ask Uncle Tuck to search for the word 'kuya' and translate it to English if what he said is wrong I won't talk to him which I know for a fact since I travelled around the world,Deal?"I said
"Ok deal"Dad said then we walked back and Dad asked Uncle Tuck to search the word and if it was really their tradition in calling older people kuya and ate.
"So what did you find out Danny"I asked Dad was surprised until he realised that we were in public.
"He was telling the truth..."Dad pouted.
"Ok now apologize to him now"Dad only nodded and apologized to him and Zack forgave him and then the three of us was called and we were a group against Dash,Kwan and Paulina.This is going to be fun.
No one's POV
The game that they were gonna be playing is dodge ball.Zack saw earlier on how bad those three are.He was still angry at them for laughing and not apologizing to him so they technically made enemies with him.
"Ok to this our game today there is going to be a special rule boy's take of your shirts"Ms. Tetslaff said trying to humiliate my dad and Zack but when they saw them with six packs the girls were practically drooling over them heck even Ellie was drooling over Zack's six pack and we saw Dash and Kwan's four pack which pale in comparison to them.Ms. Tetslaff failed in humiliating them big time it even backfired.
"Ok now the girls need to wear a sports bra and mini shorts and there will be three lives today now change"Ms. Tetslaff said
The girls went to their locker rooms and changed.They later emerged from the door and the boy's except Danny,Tucker,Mickey and Zack were drooling but Zack is drooling over Ellie's figure.
"Zack close your mouth you might catch flies"Ellie said and she closed Zack's mouth.
"Sorry I was just astonished and hypnotised at your beautiful and cute figure"he said while blushing then Ellie blushed as well.So the score was one-one.
"Okay get ready"
"Dodgeball!!!!!"Ms. Tetslaff said
Our team got hold of the balls because we were faster than the other team.Zack hit Kwan right at the face two times which made him fall down then Danny hit Dash at the gut two times and almost fall down as well then it was only Ellie vs Paulina.Ellie hit Paulina at her right leg until Paulina threw a ball to Ellie.Zack then catched the ball and letting her do the honour of hitting Paulina for the second time.Danny was dodging balls that Kwan and Dash was throwing then they realised there was only one ball left.Zack took the shot and the ball ricocheted.The ball hit Kwan first right at his gut and he was standing left and slightly behind Dash,the ball hit Dash at the back near his spine then the ball hit Paulina at her left leg which signals that it was their win.
Zack's POV
It was my first time playing dodgeball but we won I was surprised at how it resembled 'touch the body' at my home town.
"We won"Danielle said.
"Yeah nice job Zack"Danny said.
"Thanks great job Danielle at hitting Paulina's leg it made her loose her speed"She then jumped and hugged me then I saw Danny staring at me then nodding so I hugged Danielle back.
"Ellie"Danielle said
"What?"I can't really hear very well because of the crowd.
"You can call me Ellie"Ellie said
"Ok then Ellie let's go and get Danny inside this hug"she nodded then we tackled Danny and hugged with him as well.While I was looking at Ellie,Danny was looking at Sam with a pleading look Sam then replied at him with its not my problem look.Then we broke the hug and high fived all three of us.After we changed Ellie and I compared our schedules and looked at them they were the same.We then went to our next class Science!!!!
"Yes it's science!!!"I said excitedly.Science is actually my favorite subject but screw physics.
"Yeah!!"Ellie said half heartedly.
"So what is the topic today?"I asked curiously.
"I don't know I just transferred here as well"she said worried.
"Don't worry I'll teach you if I can"I said.
"You will?".
"Yes of course I have read the books".
"You sure are enthusiastic at science"she said while laughing.Its so nice to see her laugh.
Sam and Ellie switched sits so Ellie can be close to me while Sam and Danny where talking to each other.Then the teacher arrived and provided us instructions on how to use the chemicals.The teacher grouped us in pairs me and Ellie,Sam and Danny,Tucker and Valerie.We all were progressing and then we were tasked to write a report about the experiment.I wrote our report.We were the first one to finish and then we passed it and we got a A+ out of it.
"Ok class we have an important announcement to make"The teacher said then the door burst open then we saw two people.When Danny saw his parents come in he banged his head on his desk.The Fenton's didn't even notice his behavior.
"Hello everyone my name is Jack Fenton and here is my beautiful wife Maddie Fenton and we are the leading ghost experts in the world"Mr. Fenton said
"And today we have announcement to make we are going to the"Mrs. Fenton said
"GHOST ZONE FOR THREE DAYS!!!!"Mr. Fenton said interrupting Mrs. Fenton
"Oops I am sorry sweet fudge you know that I am excited as well"Mr. Fenton apologized
"Ok so now we will teach you everything we know and we will be more than happy to answer your questions also pack clothes enough for a week and girls don't wear any high heels"
We all listened to them talking about ghosts having no emotions,they can't feel pain and that ghosts can't reproduce and they said that they experimented on a few ghosts to test this.I wasn't convinced about this so I raise my hand.
"Ok so does anyone have questions oh you there beside Danielle"Mrs. Fenton said.
"Uhm.... Did you perhaps test this theories on sentient ghosts or did you experiment on non sentient ghosts?"I asked.What you can't expect me to believe them are you I mean I have seen a ghost he's name is Skulker and he was crying.He and his girlfriend got in a fight so I helped him out after that we talked a lot about his world the Ghost Zone and the fact that if the Ghost Zone or the Earth is near destruction or destroyed the other one will also have the same effect.That's why I know that ghosts have feelings,about how ghosts get hurt,how they can reproduce,and how they have a form of government.H e even showed me his powers and momentarily overshadowed me so it will let me feel what you would feel if become overshadowed trust me it wasn't fun.He even gave me some weapons to protect myself with then we promised when we meet again we would try to beat the crap out of each other.
"Well they aren't intelligent or sentient but they are ghosts!!"Mr. Fenton said.I know that the Fenton's will hate me but i need to say something.
"So how did you get answers? and how did you reach your conclusion?"Danny and Ellie just looked at me in awe.
"Well that's why it is just a theory"Mrs. Fenton said.
"That's not a theory Mrs. Fenton it is a mere hypothesis it has no scientific basis,I am so sorry for my rudeness now can we please train"Ellie didn't look at me.Yep their mad.
"Ok now let's get to the field where you can safely practice your weapons"Mrs. Fenton said.We walked to the field and we saw ghost dummies that we are supposed to shoot.They handed some weapons and some thermoses?!!! Ok so I got a tiny wrist ray while the others got hand guns.Well I don't mind I do have some weapons from Skulker some really awesome weapons.We were set in pairs, the pairs was just like in the science lab.
"Ellie are you mad at me?"I asked tears nearing to fall down
"Nope I was just surprised nobody can say anything to them about this stuff" she looked at me and saw the tears I was holding and she put her hand on my cheek she was drawing circles at it and it calmed me down.
"Please don't cry we actually have the same perspective in things so don't worry I have been wanting to say what you said"
"Thanks now let's practice"I pulverized 3 dummies in an instant with only one shot.
"Wait how did you do that?!!"
"I just fired at it"I am saying the truth.
"Ok...."she said then after a few hours it was about time to go home I called my mom and said that I am going to a friend's house and we're going to have a sleep over for a week.She agreed to it and she seemed really happy.So I chased after them and said that I was good for a week.We arrived at Fenton Works and I can't see Danny's parents anywhere so we went and checked the lab then the portal thingy shutted down and then Valerie went in so I followed her then a big flash of light appeared and I felt my very being fighting for survival then when I walked out of the portal all this information went through my head they were instructions then I saw my friends worried gazes and I almost fell unconscious.
Ellie's POV
We saw Valerie and Zack come out of the portal.Wait!!! Zack!!! What's he doing in there I hope he's okay.I didn't even feel my legs moving towards Zack while Tucker went to Valerie.As I placed Zack on my lap he then smiled.While trying to hold his conciousness.
"Zack are you okay?"but there was no response.Let me try another one.
"Zack are you okay?"I asked while tapping his cheeks again there was no responce.I quickly grew worried.I can feel my tears rushing down my cheeks and fall on his face.
"I didn't even get to tell you...."I paused for a moment and hesitated but I continued anyway.
"That I love you"I kissed him on the lips then he woke up while I was kissing him.
Another cliffhanger from me mwahahahaha.....
So what will happen to our young halfa Dani Phantom and to Zack the new halfa?what will happen to their relationship?stay tuned to find out.

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