Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"One for you, one for you, one for you and one for you!" I said, handing out the last package to a young girl. I felt like Oprah when she had given everyone in her audience a car. Except, I wasn't giving out cars. I was handing out party sized packs of the best sweets Isaac and I could find in the local supermarket. Of course, I wasn't the only one handing them out. Afrah, Ava, and Elinah had offered to help me, all three girls standing right beside me with huge smiles on their pretty faces. I couldn't help the surge of happiness that went through me as I watched each child open the package with awe, looking through the bags and picking out mint chocolates of fruit flavoured lollies. A particular young boy caught my attention as he struggled to unwrap a chocolate. His face contorted adorably and I giggled.

"Thank you very much Zoya. I think you've just made their week," Sister Julie said, coming to stand beside me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"How do you manage to provide for all of them?" I asked, turning to face her.

Sister Julie was intimidating because of her height, she was much taller than me. What didn't scare me, however, were her incredibly soft features and her warm eyes. But at that moment, the saddest look passed across her face, making me want to give her a comforting hug.

"We get by quite well. There's internet on most days, T.V, the kids have quite a few toys and we have enough rooms for them all. But, we can't afford the fees of everyone's schooling. Out of the 32 children that we are responsible for, we can only pay for 14 of them. And we only have 6 children that are under the age of 5."

That meant that 12 children weren't able to go to school. A right they had and a privilege I had enjoyed.

"I'm sorry. If there is anything I can do make things easier, please tell me," I said, not knowing what else to offer.

She nodded, "Well, I think you should check on your husband. I think he might be drowning in questions right now." We looked to Isaac who was surrounded by half of the children, speaking enthusiastically to each one. The scene looked quite comedic, a big man sitting in the middle of a circle made of children less than half his size.

"Oh, and Zoya. Asha will be here in half an hour," Sister Julie said before moving away.

I stayed in my spot, still watching Isaac. Asha would be coming back from work at 4 so Isaac and I had only arrived at the orphanage an two hours earlier. I wanted to try and speak to my sister again. With Afrah finally talking to me, maybe Asha would also give me a chance.

"Aunty Zoya! Come quick!" Afrahs's voice echoed throughout the room.

"I didn't think you could yell that loudly, Afrah," I said as I walked to her, grasping her outstretched hand. Afrah gave me a shy smile and tugged me towards Isaac and his cult of children. When we got closer, I realised he had a small boy of about 2 years seated on his lap.

"And then, the pirates came and you know what they did? They stole every last piece of gold the man had!" Isaac said, waving his arms around. That was the only part of the story I understood because the rest of it was in Swahili and he was speaking it too quickly. But the kids were drawn in, raptly paying attention and holding onto every word Isaac was saying.

A tug on my sleeve reminded me that Afrah was still with me.

"Aunty Zoya, look at what Muhammad is holding!" She said, pointing towards the baby boy sitting in Isaacs lap. His chubby hands were holding Isaacs phone, flipping it and rubbing his hand over it, most probably trying to get it to turn on.

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