The Twins

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Previous chapter I was indeed ready to give birth to the heirs of the Moon The heirs of Lady Artemis Goddess of the Moon and The Grandchildren of the Hearth the Grandchildren of the eldest Olympian my Loving Mother Hestia and my father Jonathan Meadows.

Watch out world for here comes the children of Artemis


I screamed in Pain for I was in deep pain Artemis looks at me and whispers "it will be okay its going to be okay Lanie it's going to be alright" I groan in response but squeeze her hand tightly as Apollo tells me to push I do so he tells me to stop then to push again "I see the first head" he announces I grunted and pushed and we hear a cry "it's a girl" he says smiling I felt another contraction and he hands the baby to Mom "Push Rosie Push" I pushed and he smiles "the head one more big push and your second child will be born" I did as my girlfriend's brother said and pushed we heard our second child's cry "another daughter ladies" Artemis and I smiled as I laid back content and happy I glazed at Mom and Jessica who smiled at me "would you like to hold your babies Rosaline?" I nodded and I'm handed my children Artemis and I shared a look "at last our twins are here what are we going to name them Lanie?" I smiled happily and glazed at our twins "Leta Marià Meadows and Apollonia Artemelia Meadows" "Letá after Leto my mother and Apollonia Artemelia after my brother and I?" I nodded "Yes" "how about Leta Rosalia Meadows?" I smiled and agreed Mom smiles "so the twins are Leta Rosalia Meadows and Apollonia Artemelia Meadows?" I nodded she smiles "Leta Rosalia and Apollonia Artemelia Meadows Twin Daughters of Artemis Goddess of the Moon and Rosaline Hestia Meadows daughter of Hestia. Twin Granddaughters of Hestia and Nieces of Apollo" he smiles Jessica and Dad walked in and smiled "they are gorgeous Rosie you are a mother now" I smiled at them and nodded

"yes and I'm very happy Artemis so happy our daughters are special the first born daughters of Artemis we are blessed and nothing can change but they are in danger from Zeus that's my worry I've been waiting for these two forever and they are finally here" they nodded Artemis takes my hand and squeezes it "everything will be okay Rosaline our daughters are here and we must love them and keep them safe from anything and everything I know you were frightened but we must do what we can to protect our beautiful girls both will grow up knowing both parents if it's the last thing I do" I smiled and hugged Artemis as we held our innocent children I looked down on them and whispered "no matter what happens no matter what anyone tells you both you are loved Letá Rosalia and Apollonia Artemelia Meadows we want what's best for you and we will continue to do so I promise you both we love you and you are special children of the moon grandchildren of the Hearth no matter what I'll keep you safe even if it's the last thing I do you are special to me and your mommy we waited for you and now you're here in my arms we love you so much darlings and that's never going to change I promise you that" I smiled at them and both let out coos

Few months later we were sitting having a family dinner when Sammie gasps "Rosie, Lady Artemis look" we turned and saw our babies crawling I pout "they are growing up so fast why can't you stay that little never grow up it can be that simple so don't ever grow up Just stay this little oh darlings don't you ever grow up" they looked at me and giggled I pouted Artemis laughs "you know children grow darling" I nodded "Yeah Yeah I know however a mother can wish though even if it's never going to happen" she chuckles kisses my cheek "just cherish these moments darling I am because I'm here watching them grow up alongside you and I'm treasuring these moments with my twin daughters and their beautiful Mother" I felt a tiny hand on my leg I looked down and see Letá I scooped her up and kissed her cheek she giggles and shocks me by saying her first word "Mama" tears filled my eyes Artemis had Apolla as we nicknamed her in her arms and she says her own first word "Mommy" we both had tears in our eyes Jessica, Dad, Mom, Apollo and my siblings all had smiles on there faces we were a happy family

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