The Truth

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Previous chapter: "Rosaline the truth is...."

Rosaline's pov

My father looks at me, and says "Rosaline, the truth is your mother is a goddess. I don't know which Goddess your Mother is, but I do know for a fact. That she's a Greek goddess"

I glazed at Jessica, and I asked softly "Is this true Jessica, did dad tell you I'm a Demigoddess?" she nods her had and says, "yes he did tell me, Rosa he's not lying to you. I promise you he's not lying, you're indeed a Demigoddess, and I'm the one that's protecting you from monsters"

I looked at her, and ask "so you're both Mortal?" Dad and Jessica nod, Jessica answers "yes your father and I are Mortal, but we are both clear sighted. Your father hates your mother, because she left him, he has a hard time understanding that, Your Mother had to leave, which is why I was so angry at him for yelling at you and calling your mother names" I glazed at her sensing she was telling the truth

Then my father says gruffly, "Rosaline, since you finally attracted a monster, you have to go to camp Halfblood. It's a place for demigods and Demigoddesses, like yourself it's the only place safe for you. However, you don't have to stay year round I know you love your siblings, so I understand if you don't want stay at the camp year round" I nodded I then ask out of concern

"when do I leave?" Jessica and Dad shared a look then Dad answers "Tomorrow Rosebud" I flinched "Do I have to go alone?" Jessica spoke "No Rosa your father and I will be taking you your siblings however can't come with so well be dropping them off with my parents" I nod I then yawned "alright off to bed Rosa we leave tomorrow"

I nodded and headed to bed the next morning I packed a lot of clothes and walked towards the car we get in and dropped off my siblings who cried when they realized I would be leaving "don't go Rosie"

"yeah please don't go Rosie"

"Rosie don't leave us" I sighed softly and answered

"sorry guys, but I have to go for your safety. I love you always stay sweet, cheerful and awesome, all three of you and I'll see you soon Me leaving is not forever I promise"

They nod and hugged me goodbye tearfully. Jessica then says goodbye to them, as does my father we get back in the car and we were off to take me to a knew place.

Few hours later I stared out the window thinking ~ here I come, Camp Halfblood. I hope I'm ready for this ~ we kept on driving when Dad announces "we are almost there Rosebud"

Finally, I thought as we drove on, then we came to a stop. Dad says " Unfortunately, we can't come with you any further then this we love you and we know that you know all of your Greek Gods and Goddesses, because of your love for Greek mythology. Stay safe Rosebud"

I nodded, As we got out of the car. We stood Together tears in our eyes, I then hugged Them both. Jessica says "I love you Rosa,  always remember that and I hope your mom claims you soon, Oh gosh this is so hard, I love you Rosa"

I nodded softly, sniffing "bye dad, bye Jessica tell my siblings I love them" they both nod and I walked towards the big tree and stepped through I gasped looking around it was so beautiful, I then heard a male voice say "Welcome to Camp Halfblood"

A/N: Enjoy. Sorry if there is any problems with the grammer. I am going through Something were some of My Memories from my childhood school and etc. are Blocked So If there is any problems Just don't read my story and don't come after me for the improper grammer Thank You.

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