I felt my posture soften slightly. I guess I didn't realize how riled up I'd gotten. "Thank you," I replied, pressing my lips together. 

"Where would you like to sit, mea bellator?" He hummed, running his thumb across the base of my wrist. My warrior. It'd been a while since he'd called me that. Or maybe it hadn't been. Maybe it just seemed like it because of everything that's happened in the last few weeks. I glanced around, pointing at one of the tables pressed against the huge windows. He nodded, taking the lead again to bring me to the table. He pulled a chair out for me and I sat down. He sat across from me, folding the napkin across his lap. 

It was almost odd seeing Grey so... I don't know... civilized. He was always so wild and impulsive, it was almost unsettling to see him all refined and polite. Grey was many things. Refined and polite were not one of them. 

"What are you thinking about?" He raised an eyebrow slightly, his eyes drifting up my neck to my lips, falling at last on my eyes. 

"I don't think I've ever seen you in a suit. You don't look like yourself," I shrugged, an amused smile tugging at the corners of my lips. 

"Is that your attempt at a compliment?" He chuckled lightly, his cerulean eyes twinkling. 

"No-," I began hurriedly, "-I just meant- I don't know. I just-"

"It was a joke, Greene. I know what you meant. I remember the last time I saw you in a dress. I believe it was that club that I took you to when I was trying to win you over for Hell and you ended up dancing with demons. You stunned me then, and you stun me now. But you're not yourself now. You're yourself in leggings and a t-shirt, hair in a ponytail, throwing roundhouse kicks at my head," he smirked. I opened my lips to reply, but was cut off when our waiter came by. 

"Anything to drink?" He asked, his gaze shifting from Grey to me. He was shorter than Grey, maybe a few inches taller than me, with blond hair and dark eyes. He was young, maybe about my age, with a few freckles dotting the bridge of his nose. Were it not for his dark eyes and less angular facial structure, I'd say he almost looked like Riel. Son of a bitch. 

"Do you have a dry red blend?" I asked politely. The corner of his lips turned up in a sly smile and he nodded. 

"We have two. I'd recommend the California one," he replied smoothly. 

"I'll take that, thank you." 

"ID?" He mumbled softly. 

"You don't need one," I smiled up at him and he nodded, which surprised me. Angelic suggestion. Boom. I just did that. I shifted my eyes to Grey. 

Oh God. 

I don't think our poor waiter could see it, but Grey's eyes were practically slits. He wasn't happy. It's probably because the waiter was a dude and happened to glance in my direction. Such a drama queen. 

"I'll take the same," Grey replied, his voice deceptively calm, "-and your life as well if you don't keep your eyes off my girlfriend."

And there it was. 

Thank you Grey, for your oh-so-subtle display of 'my dick is bigger than yours'. 

I nudged him with my foot under the table, but his gaze remained glued to our waiter. Poor dude. He didn't even do anything, he literally just took my order. 

The waiter gulped, nodding quickly and hurrying away from us. 

"You're cruel," I scowled at Grey, who finally turned to look at me. "He didn't do anything wrong, he asked what wine I wanted."

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