I see a familiar figure out of the corner of my eye. I know for a fact that's Jesse.
I don't even look at him I just run up to him and throw my arms around him.
I hug him tightly and he wraps his arms around me.
"I know you don't like to cry in front of people but don't be afraid. I'm not going to judge" he whispers as his head is in the crook of my neck.
I never like to cry in front of people. I always think it makes me look silly or weak. I'm a strong girl and everyone knows it.
I start to weep onto his shoulder.
"They'll be okay" he says rubbing my back.
I nod still tightly gripping his jacket.
We pull away from the hug and take a seat.
Jesse puts his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. Sniffling from my little cry.
"My brother means so much to me jesse" I say twiddling my thumbs.
"I know he does" he says rubbing my shoulder.
"He was the one that bought me all my Manchester United stuff when I was younger. He was my match mate. We went to every single home match together. He bought me all the kits every year. He payed for my season ticket. We'd always talk about football. It was our thing" I say sad.
Jesse kisses me on my head.
"He will be just fine Lils" he says reassuring me.
"He went through so much shit." I say getting slightly angry
"He is a fighter Lils. Don't even worry about him. He will be just fine" he says.
"Thank you Jesse... for everything" I say looking up at him.
"I would do anything for you, I hope you know that" he says smiling.
"And I would do the same for you" I say smiling back.
I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him.
"I love you" I say.
"I love you too Lils" he says.

Jesse pov
"Excuse me? Delilah is it?" A nurse says approaching us with a clipboard.
Delilah shoots up off her chair beside me and stands to face the nurse.
"Mhm" She says and nods.
"Follow me" the nurse says turning round to go down the corridor.
Delilah turns around to look at me.
The look on her face, she seems so scared.
"Jesse... will you come with me? I don't think I can do this alone" she says looking to the floor.
I didn't want to go with her if she didn't ask as I didn't want to intrude but seen as she wants me to go with her I'll go.
"Of course I will" I say standing up smiling.
I walk beside her with my hands in my pockets as we follow the nurse.
She leads us to the first room. Her dad.
We approach the window to look in the room.
She glances in and her hands start shaking.
I've never seen her like this.
The nurse is stood beside us.
Delilah moves her shaky hand to her mouth
"I can't do this" she says starting to cry.
"I can't I'm sorry" she says running out of the hospital wiping her tears away as she runs.
"Sorry" I say to the nurse.
I run after Delilah.
I can't see her in the hospital so she must be outside.
I walk outside the hospital's main entrance and look around to see if she's here. I spot her on a bench outside with her head in her hands.
I slowly walk over to her and sit beside her.
She doesn't say anything and nor do I.
She looks up at me and attempts a smile.
I hold my arms out and she throws herself into them. "I don't know if I can do it jesse" she says hugging me.
"You don't have to you know?" I say rubbing her back.
"I need to go back but I really can't Jesse" she says weeping.
"I'll be there with you. If you find it too hard the second time then we will come back as soon as you're ready" I say softly.
"I don't know if I'll ever be ready to see something like that Jess" she says
"I know, it's hard for anyone. But you're Lils. You're strong, in fact the strongest girl I know. If anyone can do it, you can" I say kissing her forehead.
She nods and pulls out of the hug to stand up.
I stand up with her.

She smiles at me before we walk into the room with her dad in.
I stand back away from the bed as it's her dad and I think they need this moment.
"Dad I don't know if you can hear me but you have given me the biggest fright of my life. When I find out who's responsible for this crash I swear to god I'll murder th-"she says before I clear my throat to stop her.
"Sorry inappropriate. But I know you're strong and you will be okay" she says squeezing his hand.
"I love you dad" she says standing up and walking towards me.
"Your mum now?" I ask.
"I'd like to see my brother next" she says.
I place my arm around her as we walk into her brothers hospital room.
"Hey. You probably can't hear me either but I need to tell you that I love you. I'm so grateful for all you've given me. I know I never say both of those things often but when I do say it just know I truly truly mean it." She says squeezing his hand.
They're all bruised and discoloured. This must be so hard for her to see.
"Are you sure Jess you don't want to say anything?" She asks me.
With us being friends for 8 years, our families are very close and her family is like my family and so forth.
"I don't want to intrude" I say with my arms out.
She nods and stands up walking over to me.
"I really don't mind" she says with a smile.
"No it's okay I'll leave this moment to you." I say walking out of the room with her.
We are next seeing her mum.
Her and her mum are so close. I've never seen a mother and daughter who are so close.
This must be hard for her.
"Hello mum. I've wanted to call you or WhatsApp you for advice so many times in the past 4 hours regarding this situation. I miss you already and it's barely even been half a day. I really am not ready to lose you so please mum, for me. Please be okay." She says staring down at her mum holding her hand.
I see her starting to well up.
I walk over to her to console her.
                                Time skip
Delilah pov
So it's been two weeks since the accident and they're all okay now. Just a few minor injuries.
I really don't know what I would've done without Jesse. He's been so much help the past two weeks. I honestly don't know how I'll repay him, he says I don't need to because it's just what best friends are supposed to do.
"I was thinking about my apartment " I say walking into the living room towards where Jesse is sat on his laptop.
He looks up from his laptop.
"Mhm" he says adjusting his cap.
"I am thinking of selling it and buying a house" I say taking a seat on the couch.
"Right" he says typing away on his laptop.
"I've seen this house and I may or may not have put an offer down on it" I say presenting him my phone that shows a picture of the big gorgeous house.
"Wow that looks lovely yeah go for it" he says quickly looking at my phone.
"Well I'm going now to pack up my apartment" I say standing up from the couch.
"Yeah cool" he says still staring intently at his laptop.
I grab my coat and my car keys.
I pop my head back into the lounge.
"You seem distracted are you okay?" I ask him.
"Mmm" he says not bothering to look at me.
"Right fine" I say and walk out.

Jesse pov
I flinch as the door slams shut.
I quickly turn around to realise she's gone.
I slam shut my laptop and throw it to the other end of the couch.
I make my way down to my gym in the basement to let off some steam.

What do you think is up with Jesse?

endearment (Jesse Lingard & Marcus Rashford)Where stories live. Discover now