Chapter 3: Faron Woods

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This is me, Faron Annora Woods. I come from a family which is full of issues. And I MEAN it. I also have a dark, dark past.

~Messages between Faron and Courage (a "friend")~

Courage: Hey

Faron: Hi

Courage: Can i talk to u about something?

Faron: Yea

Courage: So u know how u like Atlas?

Faron: Yea, wat about it?

Courage: Da thing is, i kinda like him too...

Faron: Oh...

Courage: I'm srry if this makes u feel anyway sad

Faron: It's fine. Hope he likes u back!

~End of Conversation~

But in reality, I wanted to kill her. I knew that he liked me, and I didn't want to let her ruin my chances. 

~Time skip to a month later cuz i is the lazy~

One day I was talking to Atlas, he seemed off, very off.

"Atlas, is there something wrong?"

"Yes... there is" He responds

"What is it?"

"I want you" I was going into adrenaline

"What... do you mean"

"Don't you get it? I want you to be with me for the rest of my life!"


"Yeah, a lot." Then he pulls me in a hug. I get hell of happy, I'm here thinking that my dream came true, but obviously I was too blind to see the truth. 

~Atlas' point of view~

After I said what I did to Faron, I felt bad for her because it was just a dare from my friends. I didn't like her, she was just a friend to me. I know she likes me a lot, but I also don't want to be rude. I'll just deal with it as long as it doesn't get out of control. I really liked her friend Courage. She's all I want in a girl. Courage is courageous, funny and very sporty. Faron is shy, and nerd and sports is her hell. Why the fuck would I date someone who is the opposite of my dream girl. At the same time, I would have rather just accept two weeks of torture from my friends instead of going through a living hell to make the girl who loves me satisfied.

~Timeskip to a Month Later~

~Faron's point of view~

It had been almost a month since Atlas had confessed to me his feelings for me. I'm at home, doing homework, when I get a message from him.

Messages between Atlas and Faron

Atlas: Faron, can i talk to u about someting?

Faron: Sure

Faron: Wat is it?

Atlas: We need to break up

Faron: Why!?!?!?!?!

Atlas: This just isn't working out

Atlas: We can still be friends if u want

Faron: K. Let's just be friends

~End of conversation~

I wanted to cry my eyes out. After this I imminently texted Courage about it.

~Courage and Faron~

Faron: Courage

Courage: Ya?

Faron: Atlas just broke
up with me 😥

Courage: Omg why?!

Faron: He just told me that it wasn't working out

 and that he just wanted to be friends with me

Courage: I'm very srry Faron. You'll get over it, i promise

Faron: Thx

~End of conversation~

~Courage's point of view~

I was so happy when Faron told me that her and Atlas broke up. It had been a dream come true, I might have a chance with him. And I KNEW that he liked me- no, loved me

~Faron't point of view and timeskip to the next day at school~

I went to school that day to sad to talk to anyone. I just wanted to be alone, I wanted nothing to do with anyone. All day I kept thinking about all the time I had spent with him. All those laughs and smiles shared. Why would he do this to me?! Just, why...

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