Groove Is In the Heart

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Zeke stepped into the store, as the norm these days. Tina was sweating over the grill and fuck if his heart didn't flip in his chest at the sight. His stomach erupted into butterflies; tingling and giggly, as she looked up and cast him a quick grin, waving her spatula before turning her attention to the patties before her.

The restaurant was hopping; at least twenty-three customers had arrived in the lunch rush. Today was the day; the day of Bob's surgery. The tension in the air was palpable. He took a seat at the bar, watching as Louise bustled around with plates balanced on her arms, her face pale and her eyes watery. Rudy was standing at a table being his charismatic self. Gene turned from the register and waved before striding to the back to chop vegetables and prepare more ingredients. Zeke's eyes drifted to the Burger of the Day.

'Cancer See Me Now'
Burger on a bed of sprouts with fresh avocado and chipotle mayo.
Round your order up to the nearest dollar and received 10% off next meal with receipt.
All proceeds go to Bob's Cancer fund.

Something about that made his chest tighten. A bucket at the corner of the bar was half full with dollars and spare change. A big sign on the front taped crooked over the jar sported a plea for donations towards their father's cancer surgery costs.

"Yeah," Louise bumped him with her elbow, startling him. "People have really pitched in. It helps that Rudy thought to rent out a radio ad earlier. Tina put out a clip in the newspaper, which-" Louise snorted derisively, "we know no one reads but..." she looked around, "I think they really helped. Like, we've been swamped all day. We made twice our normal preps and we've already run out. I'm going to have to make a grocery run soon."

"That's awesome Louise!" Zeke smiled wide.

Louise shook her head, her hand rubbing at her stomach. "I'm really not feeling well." Se swallowed visibly. "I think it's all the stress. It's making my stomach hurt. Stupid weak stomach." She grumbled at herself.

"You sure you're not getting sick girl?" Zeke leaned away, "You were sick a couple days ago too, remember?"

"Nah." Louise waved him off as Tina placed a plate in the serving window, catching her sisters eye meaningfully. "That was something different."

"Whatever you say girl, just don't breath on my food."

"Zeke!" She slapped his arm quick before rounding the bar and grabbing the plate, following it with a second dish and bustling out into the crowded restaurant.

His heart leapt into his throat as Tina rounded the corner. Her face was flushed, sweat made her skin glisten. Her shirt was damp under her arms and around her chest and breasts, but Zeke didn't care. Her jeans were faded and marred with food and sauces that had missed her stained-to-hell apron. Her hair had been pinned back but strands had fallen out, some blew around her ears, others plastered against her neck with sweat.

He'd always liked her. Always. It was heartbreaking for him to watch her demean herself for Jimmy Junior in high school and middle school. Hell, even after that when they ended up stuck in this rat-town before college. She had the capability to be so much more than someone's arm candy... or someone's beard. She smiled at him, her eyes dropping shyly as she ran a hand through her hair. His own grin split his face in response as she called his name, stopping in front of him and leaning on the counter.

"I thought maybe I could get away from here for a minute." She breathed heavily, she smelled like avocado and garlic. "But we're just too slammed. I don't think any of us managed to get a break in yet and-" Zeke stood, striding around the counter, squeezing his large body through the crowd. "Zeke?" A confused Tina followed him as he rounded the corner into the back room. "What the f-?"

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