Don't Phunk With My Heart

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Tina slouched over the papers of her practice final. The end of her second year at Rhode Island College. The words all ran together as tears made her vision blur.

She had received the phone call from Louise last night. an update on Bob's failing health.


They had found tumors growing in his arms. Around the tendons in his wrist. Surgery was scheduled in three weeks.

"Finish your classes, Tina." He had suggested over the phone, listening to her repetitive panicked gasping. "I'll be fine. You can't get back these years at college. The education or opportunity."

"Yeah Tina!" Linda chipped in, "Louise is managing the shop. We're fine. We'll be fine. We're fine. Oh! And Gene came back to help out too, my big man."

"Paid, of course!" Tina heard him shout.

"Oh, hush you!" Linda's voice came muffled, then, much clearer, "Besides, you'll be done before Bobby's surgery. Move back home then. After everything is done."

Tina closed her eyes, her head swimming. She had sent out an email to her professors that morning explaining the circumstances. All but one had responded with an online test she could take in one week. Mr. Davies, her critical writing professor, demanded she stay to finish the written exam in a week and a half. No exceptions to his rules ever.

"This is fine." Tina sat back up, ignoring the ping of her cell phone indicating she should go to bed now. "I can do this."

And she could! She would. She'd bring back a high GPA and give her dad something to be proud of. Just in case-


"Well Tina," Candice clasped her shoulder, puling her in for a hug, "I'm sorry Erica couldn't be here but we'll miss you."

"I'll miss you guys too." Tina tucked her head into her friends neck.

"I'll read every one of your books, Tina." She smiled as she let go, watching her friend move around to the drivers side of the car. "I'll miss you."

"Bye Candice." Tina smiled, waving despite the tightness in her chest. "Keep my dad in your thoughts."

"I will!" Candice yelled as Tina backed away.

It was a long and uneventful drive back to New Jersey. Even beating the afternoon rush Tina's drive had taken an hour longer than it should have, making it rush hour when she pulled into town, coasting down the familiar roads. The trouble in her heart soothed as she rolled down the window, the familiar smell drifting over her, around her. The gentle crash of the ocean, the faint trill of Wonder Wharf's games and rides cranking in the distance, the scent of sea water and popcorn drown out her air freshener; who needed citrus blast anyway? She rounded the corner a few blocks away from her street just as someone darted across the road. Heart in her throat she slammed on the breaks.

"Whoa there, Speed Racer!" A familiar voice boomed, deeper and more rich than she remembered. "Tina? Tina Belcher is that you?"

"Oh. Yes, hello Zeke." Tina watched as he rounded to her window, crouching down to speak with her.

He'd buzzed his hair short on the sides leaving the top curly and long. Stubble lined his much more defined features. He still wore his classic green shorts and black tank, but his body had grown muscle - particularly in his upper torso, arms and thighs. Anxiously she moved to step on the gas when his arms rested against the door. Tattooed across his left hand was 'spice'; his right 'sport'. A large tattoo of color wrapped around his left bicep and ending a few inches from his elbow, though Tina couldn't quite make the colors and shapes out. Despite how uncomfortable she was, she didn't want to hurt him.

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