prodigy returns

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It was a normal morning for Sasuke, Hinata and the twins woke at the crack of dawn as normal. He ate breakfast and watched the twins feed themselves for he got dressed for work and left. His rout was normal with a group as always but when he returned to the main building to get some paper work done. His father was waiting by his desk with a stern. He approached but said nothing, waiting for him to speak. Fugaku touched his shoulder before handing him a new uniform. "You are being promoted as captain." He spoke plainly then walked off making the other officer clap and cheer. They had a small celebration but Sasuke was less then interested, he was glad of the promotion but didn't need it he made plenty of money and Hinata also had a small income coming in from her knitted clothing she made. He also knew being a captain would mean longer hours, he would be busier and he didn't need that. He stopped by a bakery and picked up some cinnamon rolls then the Yamanaka flower shop before going home. The twins took after their mother and liked sweets and once a week he tried to bring sweets home to them.

Hinode and Higure waddled to him and greeted him with hugs to his legs, "daddy!" He multi tasked by carrying the boys plus flower and sweets into the kitchen before Hinata greeted him with a kiss to his face. She took the cinnamon rolls and flowers before Sasuke spent time with boys, giving Hinata a break to cook in peace. He would tell her the new over dinner. He enjoyed his life and though no one outside the estate knew, the boys had made him loosen up a bit. He showed a more playful side when he spent time with the boys. He gave more light smiles and even small chuckles at some of the things the twins would do. Hinata was happy of the news thinking it was what her husband wanted but noticed a look in his eyes making her smile deem. "We will discuss it later..." He gave a nod and they ate. The twins were giggly and chattered in their own language which amused Sasuke. They were always in their own little world. They were a little over one. They walked and even ran though it looked more like a waddle at this point. They knew their parents and godfather. They said small words and tried to make sentence that would usually became mumbles and giggles. Sasuke gave them a bath while Hinata cleaned the kitchen. He told the twins a story and they drifted to sleep.

Hinata smiled in the door frame before he met her eye. They went to their room for the night and Hinata leaned on him making him let out a sigh. "We don't need the money and I don't need to be away from home. I am needed here." "It will only be a few extra hours... The boys won't even notice and when they begin school it won't even matter. They will still see you in the morning and you'll tuck them in." She assured him knowing he couldn't turn down the offer. He leaned on her as he thought, "I have been turning down missions but I won't be able to do that when I'm captain I'll have to go." "We will be alright, if you bring them something back from your mission they won't care." He gave a nod and stood with a sigh. "You make it better." She gave a small smile before they got ready for bed resting for the day ahead.

Sasuke began his new job as captain and adjusted to his new duties. The technology was slowly improving which made things easier but Sasuke preferred the old fashion way despite it being more convenient. He would have the weekend off wondering what Hinata would have planned for them to do. Today he knew the boys had a play date with Akairo Sarutobi youngest son of Asuma and Kurenai. He was comfortable with the boys being friends with the Sarutobi mostly because Karenai was close to Hinata but he was glad the twins could grow up with someone. The twins would also play with Jugo and Tamaki's triplets Furuku, Suzume and Uzura. Sasuke shuttered at the thought of having triplets. Twins were more then enough for him.

That weekend the family went on a picnic. They enjoyed the fresh air and the twins played. Sasuke watched the wind blow his wife's hair before his son's tackled him making Hinata giggle. Life was perfect now, peacefully happy moments filled up their days. Sasuke actually took a day off to celebrate his second year of marriage. His mother eagerly volunteered to watch the twins for the day while Sasuke and Hinata spent the day together. They didn't do anything exciting but Hinata and Sasuke trained together which was something Hinata hadn't done since before they married. They took a walk and talked of what they wanted to do with the houses and land they now owned. He made lunch which was a rare occasion. The house seemed empty without the twins but they enjoyed the needed break. "I was thinking of having their second birthday outside this year if the day is nice, they enjoy the outdoors." Sasuke commented making Hinata agree with a nod. "It would be better for all the toddlers that will be running around." He cringed at the thought making her give a small giggle. "I'm guessing you don't want anymore children." "I like our children... I don't like their children. There is a difference, I would still like one more just to see if we have a girl." She gave a gentle expression at his words she adored her twin boys, they were practically perfect; they hardly cried or fused and sleep through the whole night. They were even mostly potty trained now. They were everything a mother would want in childern but having a girl would be nice. She did always want one of each, a boy and a girl. "I still want to wait until the boys are older, otherwise it would be too much even with servants. I already have a hard time spending time with each of them separately and equally." He voiced. "I agree..."

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