the protector

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Sasuke ate dinner at the Hyuga Estate along with his mother and father quietly. the two clans ate together once a month and it didn't take Sasuke long to adjust to visiting the Hyuga Estate but he still found it boring and would much rather be at his own estate. The adults talked after dinner while Ko and Natsu watched the children in another room as they did every time the Uchiha came over. Hanabi played with her toys while Hinata colored. Sasuke watched from his seat in a chair, it didn't take him long to realize he and Hinata had more in common then he expected but he saw Hinata almost every day he couldn't help but learn things about her and her life, he also knew it was the same for her despite not talking much to each other they learned a lot about one another but Sasuke wasn't sure if he really considered Hinata a friend though. Once the adults were done the two clans parted ways with the Uchiha leaving and the Hyuga planning for another day.

The next day Sasuke walked alone to Hinata's estate for the first time without his mother, with his hands in his pockets, it was a chilly day out. The snow made a crushing noise under his feet as he walked but as he took the path to the Hyuga Compound he saw Hinata being picked on by three guys. He sighed at the sight knowing she was too meek to stand up for herself but when he saw she was about to cry he threw a snow ball at one of the boys picking on her. The boys glared at him as he approached with a blank expression. "Its the spoiled Uchiha brat! You think you are so cool coming from a noble clan..." Sasuke ignored the comment as he helped Hinata up. He studied her face for a moment then grabbed the sleeve of her shirt to pull her away from them but when one of the boys attempted to punch Sasuke he quickly dodged and pushed Hinata out of the way before knocking the boy to the ground. "Stupid noble clans!" the other boys spatted making Sasuke narrow his eyes. He ended up knocking all three of the boys out one by one before grabbing Hinata's shirt sleeve. "Let's go..." he glanced at the blonde Uzumaki who usually sat alone on a swing that was now standing not far from them, staring at them as they left the boys passed out in the snow. "You could have gone a little easier on them..." "those losers shouldn't try to pick fights..." he muttered making Hinata sigh as they continued to walk to her Estate.

Neji was training as usual when they arrived and he made eye contact with his cousin and the Uchiha. Sasuke knew the relationship between the Hyuga cousins were beginning to strain but it was more of the clans fault from what he gathered but he wouldn't get involved in the Hyuga issues. He watched them train studying both their movements but the moment Neji began to get too serious with the match Sasuke stepped in. "Stop... my turn Hyuga." Neji paused for a moment seeing how Sasuke stood in front of his cousin who was currently knocked to the ground from a heavy hit. The branch member gave a nod and began to spar with Sasuke. Hiashi watched with interest knowing he would soon need to talk with Neji. Sasuke spent a few hours at the Hyuga Estate training, having a meal then left to return home. He spotted his father talking to another Uchiha member. He was older then Itachi and Sasuke knew little of him minus the dangerous mission he went on causing him to lose an eye and damage half of his body. He was praised by the clan for unknown reason to Sasuke but he knew his father had been spending a lot of time with him making him slightly jealous. "That is Obito. He is training for the Police Force. He wants to be the next Hokage." Mikoto told him with a smile making him look away from the two older male Uchiha. "Hn..." "did you have a good time at Hinata's?" She asked as he followed her into the house. "Yeah I guess..."

The next day at school the blonde Uzumaki was making a fool of himself again making Sasuke sigh in annoyance, he glanced at Hinata who watched Naruto with a small smile and blush making the Uchiha roll his eyes. "I don't get why you think he's so great... he's an idiot a loud annoying idiot..." "please don't say that Sasuke... h-he is..." Hinata paused in her speech as she watched Naruto jump on top of the desk Sakura sat on making Hinata look down. Sasuke huffed and leaned on the desk. "annoying idiot..." "Sakura-Chan!" Naruto's nose touched the pink haired girls as a large smile was painted on his face. "Go away you baka!" She pushed him off her desk with a blush making Ino laugh. Iruka tried his best to calm his class so he could continue the lesson. "Stop goofing around! You need to pay attention, you'll be graduating before you know it and need to know these skills!"

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