the marriage

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Sasuke sat on the pier in a nasty mood after having to spend over an hour getting fitted for his wedding attire, he was ready for the whole wedding to be over and done with. He was tired of hearing how grand the wedding would be and dealing with all the prepping it took for the wedding and ceremony. Mikoto smiled as she approched him with rice balls. "You'll be married in a month... It's amazing how time flys, have you seen your estate?" "It's too much... It will only be her and I. They wasted all the time clearing the land and building those houses for nothing on top of that they aren't even finished yet..." He mumbled as he ate. "it is for the future. Your children and grandchildren will live there." She explained, "I am excited to be a grandmother." Sasuke wanted to scoff at her words, he didn't know how many children their clans excepted them to have. Hinata wasn't a baby making machine. "I am aware..." He replied making his mother smile. "You are an adult now. You shouldn't be so naive. You are well aware of what this marriage is for but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be kind and loving towards her. She didn't ask for the arrangement anymore then you did. My marriage was arrange... We luckily fell in love later on, but even before he loved me your father was rather gentle and kind with me... I know it is difficult to believe but he is affectionate towards me. I don't expect you to love her but you don't have to be in love to be kind and considerate of her, and do not tell me you don't know how... I taught you better then that." Sasuke glanced at her then back out to the calm water. Mikoto touched his shoulder, "I know it's not easy but I believe you can handle living with someone like Hinata if you survived living with Orochimaru." She stood with a sigh, "keep in mind both clans expect a child within the first year, only then can we take the next step." Sasuke ate his rice balls before he stood with a huff.

Hinata had finished a training session with Hanabi before they had tea and Wagashi together. Hanabi gave a smile, glad to be bonding with her big sister. "You have been having dinner with Uchiha-san twice a week. Are things getting easier?" "We do not hang out like I do with my team mates but... It is not terrible." Hinata replied as she took a sip of her tea. "You'll be living with him... Cooking for him... Sharing a room with him. You'll have t- "lady Hanabi..." Neji called in an almost warning tone as he approached, she glanced at him slightly annoyed, "yes...?" "Your father wishes to speak to you..." She stood and held back a sigh as she walked away. Hinata stared at her tea as Neji took a seat. He was the only one who silently protested against the marriage, wanting Hinata to marry someone of her choice and Hinata was well aware of it. He said nothing and ate a sweet before a Hyuga servant led Sasuke into the dining hall making Neji stand, glaring at the Uchiha as he left. Hinata gave him a smile and poured him a cup of tea as he sat down. "Hinata..." He paused to look her in the eyes. "I need to make some things clear." Hinata gave a nod, "so do I..." "You go first." He suggested. She gave a sad sigh. "I saw Naruto-Kun today... He was with Sakura and for the first time my heart didn't ache when I looked at them... I'm done pining for him. He was a great inspiration as a child and I hope he continues to inspire all he can but I am an adult now, I need to grow up and put my childish feelings behind me. I need to focus on my future... Um our future." Sasuke was surprised by the news, he knew how much she admired the blonde baka to a point were it was slightly unhealthy, he couldn't believe she changed her mind but with Naruto and Sakura dating he knew she couldn't possibly still have hope and was smart for moving on. "I see..." "What did you need to say?" She asked as she took a sip of tea. "Our marriage and wedding... both our clans are known for arranged marriage and both our clans are similar when it comes to marriage. I know our wedding will be over the top and the talk for months, there is nothing more to say about it, our clans are planning everything but we haven't discussed after the wedding. They have planned our wedding and that we would be together but they have no control of what we do behind locked doors." Hinata nodded at his words, "we will be our own clan once our marriage is finalized, though we will still be part of our  respected clans they will have no real say..." Sasuke stared at the tea and sweets, "there is alot weighing on this arrangement and there is alot of pressure but I have no intention on forcing you to do anything, I know your submissive by nature but nothing good can come from making you do anything." She blushed lightly at his words and began to play with her fingers. "I have known about this arrangement for a while and between your mother and the elders of my clan. I know what is expected of me and I believe I'm prepared. Everyone wants a child within the first you s- "do you?" Sasuke asked cutting her off, "you are the one that has to carry it and give birth to it." Hinata looked down at his words, she always imagined her future child to have bright blonde hair and blue eyes but now that fantasy would never come true. "Not in the first year... But I do want children so I might as well." He sighed and leaned on the table but said nothing making her give him a worried look. "You don't want children?" "I never thought about it... I never thought about any of this; getting married, having a family... I was always focused on joining the police force but now that I've accomplish that, I'm lost. I knew I'd married you and I knew we'd have to have an heir but I never thought of it... I just knew it was a fact." She gave a small nod and took a sip of tea.

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