Chapter Six

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          The two summoners and their guardians arrive at the Moonflow crossing area the next day. Though Jaidon wants to get the River Stallions aeon he knows that the best way is by going over with a shoopuff before Tidus takes him down to the Fayth with his other form’s ability. Before the group can get on the shoopuff a few people surround Yuna asking about when the next Calm will be. During this Jaidon feels Tidus wrap an arm around his shoulders and the silver haired, blind summoner smiles as he leans into the half hug. “Excited about getting the aeon?” Jaidon smiles brighter and he nods in enthusiasm before saying, “I can’t wait to fulfill my father’s dream. I hope once I get the aeon he will know and finally feel happy.” Tidus sighs before saying, “I’m sure your dad would be happy even if we never did find the River Stallions Fayth. Both your mom and dad are probably smiling even now because they know you’re happy and that you don’t feel alone anymore.” Tidus’ words make Jaidon lean even more into the blonde blitzer before asking, “How are we going to get down to the Fayth?” Tidus chuckles tightening his hold saying, “In my other form I need to combine my water and ice to create an air bubble big enough for you to fit in and make sure you don’t float back up to the surface until you’ve gotten the aeon.” Jaidon nods his understanding before Yuna informs them it’s time to cross. The group boards the shoopuff and the large elephant-like creature makes its way into the water to swim the passengers to the other side.


          Half way across the Moonflow something splashing draws everyone’s attentions to that direction before Yuna’s cry of alarm has them turning back to see her being pulled off the shoopuff and into the water by an Al Bhed. “Tidus now’s the time to get the aeon. Kyota help Wakka retrieve Yuna please.” Tidus nodded his understanding before leaping off of the shoopuff shifting to his other form in the process while Kyota follows Wakka into the water to get Yuna. Jaidon feels himself gently lifted of the shoopuff and taken into the water where instantly a large air bubble surrounds him to keep him from drowning. Jaidon lets his senses give him information as the bubble is pushed deeper into the water before he hears, “At last a summoner who seeks our help.” Jaidon smiles gently saying, “I not only seek you out for that but also to fulfill my father’s dream. He always wanted to prove that the River Stallions existed but he died before he could.” A different voice responds, “A noble wish for one to make the wish of one’s parent come true. Tell us young summoner why do you need us?” Jaidon sighs with sorrow, “A terrible creature called Sin terrorizes all of Spira and I and another summoner feel that together we can defeat it permanently.” A third voice replies, “You wish for our help in protecting the life on Spira so therefore we grant you our aeon.” Jaidon nods his gratitude as he feels three very strong aeons join his other aeons in his mindscape. “Tidus I have them we can surface now.” At his words Jaidon feels the air bubble lifting upwards before breaking the surface.

          Once back on the shoopuff Jaidon feels Tidus sit beside him and Kyota’s damp paw land on his knee. “Wakka were you hurt saving Yuna?” The red head smiles before replying, “Nah, but that machina sure isn’t going to be working right anytime soon. If the Al Bhed driving it survived that explosion I think we should heal him or her and then tell them neither you nor Yuna plan on summoning the Final Aeon.” Jaidon nods before saying, “We still need to go to Zanarkand to make sure no other summoner can use that false way. Riven tells me that there is no Final Aeon anyways it’s only the broken crystal of Lord Zaon that is there along with the unsent Lady Yunalesca.” The other except Auron gasp and Lulu asks, “Lady Yunalesca haunts Zanarkand?” Jaidon nods saying, “Quadako believes she is part of the reason Sin continues to resurface every ten years. He says that ten years is how long it takes for Sin to regain its strength.” Wakka groans commenting, “I always knew the teachings of Yevon were wrong about Sin.”

The Blind Summoner (A Final Fantasy X yaoi)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن