"I'll get you some medicine."

She nodded.

"I'll be in my room if you need anything. Just call for me."

She nodded again. Once she was alone behind the closed bathroom door, she removed her clothes and slid into the tub. The hot water immediately filled her with joy, and she moaned.

Lukas could hear her from outside the door and unexpectedly shuddered. Ignoring the urge to turn back, he made his way to his bedroom and grabbed a pair of clothes for her. He couldn't admit it to her, but he was relieved she asked to spend the night. It was easier on him to know she was safe, and he could at least confirm that she was taking care of herself as long as she was with him.

While he waited for Melanie, he turned a movie on but paid no mind to it. It was merely background noise to drown out the silence in the room. Then nearly half an hour later, she stepped into the room with his towel wrapped around her body. She stood still for a moment and waited for him to notice her. When he did, he stood up and handed her the t-shirt and shorts he had set out for her.

"You can change here," he said to her. "I'll wait in the hallway."

"Close your eyes. I'll make it quick."

He smirked. "I might want to peek. I'll be back with some medicine."

After he had disappeared into the hall, she changed into the new pair of clothes and sat down on the couch, waiting for his return. When he did, he had a full glass of water and two pills in his hand.

"You need to sleep," he said, watching her swallow the two pills. "You must be exhausted."

"I think we need to talk about this."

He furrowed his brows. "What's there to talk about?"

"You said you needed time."

"That doesn't mean I don't want you around." He covered her in the throw blanket on the couch and took her into his arms, rocking her shivering body. "Not having you around has been difficult."

"You didn't even want me around," she accused. "We had a really shitty conversation, but you didn't care that I walked out the door."

He laughed. He couldn't help it. "Did you need me to ask you to stay?"


He laughed again and kissed the top of her head, pulling her against his chest so she could lay her head on him. "Next time, you won't get the option to leave then. You'll just have to stick around even when you hate me."

"I could never hate you, Lukas."

"I feel like you do."

She looked up at him and turned his cheek. "You think I hate you?"

He nodded.

"It's the opposite, actually," she admitted. She wrapped her arms around his neck and climbed into his lap to straddle him. His arms immediately moved around her waist, pulling her so close that he could feel the heat of her body. "I'm terrible for even being in this compromising position with you."

His gaze fell onto her lips. They were parted. "What makes you say that?"

"I'm involved with someone else."

"Tell me, love. Has he even called to see how you're doing?"

She bit her lip, grinding against the bulge that had grown through his sweats. "He hasn't called all week."

"You don't sound surprised."

"It's happened before."

Lukas deeply sighed and turned away from her, gripping her hips so hard that she was forced to sit still. "What are you trying to do, Melanie?"

"Is it crazy that I miss you more than I miss Christopher? When you and I are apart, it's almost insufferable, as hard as I try to deny it." She cupped his chin and brushed her lips against his. She couldn't get enough of his soft skin and exhilarating touch. "I don't know what I'm doing. I just know this feels right."

"I can't let you wake up with regrets," he said, rolling her off his lap. "You're still with him. And as much as I want to take you to my bed and show you how much I fucking love you, I can't do that to you or Chris."

She dropped the blanket from around her shoulders and kneeled, hovering over him. "This will be your second time denying that I feel the same way you do."

"Baby, you're exhausted. You might even be sleep deprived for all I know. Let me take you to bed, okay?"

"Lukas, why aren't you listening?"

"I can't," he growled, wrapping her long hair around his hand. He pulled on it, bringing her down to meet his gaze. "I can't get my hopes up with you. Now, can you please get in bed and try to get better?"

She engulfed him in her embrace and clung to his body. Relief washed over her when he held her. "Are you going to make me sleep alone?"

He sighed. "Sharing a bed is one of the regrets you may have."

"I'll deal with it in the morning," she murmured. "Besides, I'd never regret a single moment with you."

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