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    I take a deep breath and take the pregnancy test that Luca had left for me. I put it on the back of the toilet and wait for the results as I pace back and forth in his bedroom.

   After I go and check the test says positive... my heart drops, I'm excited and terrified. What if Luca doesn't want a kid ? What if he does ? What will I do? I'm scared.

    I have tears running down my face. Am I ready for this? I can feel my breath hitch as I get sick again, I run to the toilet and empty my stomachs contents into it.

    After finishing I get into the shower to clean myself up, the water feels good against my cool skin. I take a few deep breaths and climb out , wrapping a towel around myself and go to brush my teeth.

    When I look in the mirror I see someone completely different than I did months ago. I'm a different person physically and mentally. Much more mature to say the least.

    I get dressed and go to look for Luca , I find him exactly where he said he'd be and my nerves are shot, I take the test to him and hand it to him while I focus my attention on my bare feet.

    I feel a cool hand lift my chin up and I look him in his eyes. He doesn't look upset, more excited than anything. "Baby what's wrong we're going to have a baby!" He exclaims happily and I release a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.

    "I was worried... that you wouldn't want it..." I mumble softly and see his emotions flicker across his features. "Baby of course I do, I've never even loved anyone else and now I'm going to only ever love someone else more, our baby" He says in a reassuring tone to me.

    These words make me smile and I climb into his lap while wrapping my arms around his neck loosely. I feeling of nervousness still settles in my stomach. "Luca... I'm scared." I whisper into his ear and hear his grip tighten on me.

    "There's no reason to be afraid , I'm going to be here every step of the way." He says into my ear, soothing my frantic nerves tremendously.

    "Now, since we're alone... that thing I need to talk to you about. Uh how would you feel about two kids ?" He asks and I bite my lip. He wants to adopt Dom and I won't lie, I have wanted to.

    "That would be amazing, Dom will make a great big brother to this little boy or girl!" I say reassuring him and stand up with him. He pulls me into a tight hug and I've never felt more safe and protected in my life.

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