Wally x Reader

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A/N :- Hello everyone, sorry to make you wait so long. Here's another requested Wally x Reader. Since I haven't played much games and watched much anime, I am unaware about Wally. Hope he's not OOC in this and sorry it's so short but I bet it's kinda sweet. So hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for requesting and requests are always open. I will try my best.

Wally x Reader

"Wally, catch me..." (Y/n) told her 10 years old friend. Her green haired male friend, being protective and careful, tried to stop her. "(Y/n), don't run. You may trip over something." Wally yelled and tried to stop his friend. They were wondering around the forest when (Y/n) bumped into someone. Wally stopped at his place when he noticed the familiar figure standing beside his friend. (Y/n) turned to see Ruby standing there with his familiar and significant red hat. "Hey there (Y/n)." He gave a warm smile to his friend or maybe friends. "Hello Ruby." (Y/n) greeted back nicely. It did make Wally jealous a bit. Ruby was always there to distract (Y/n) from Wally. He wanted to spend more time with her but Ruby makes things worse. Ruby and (Y/n) engaged in a sweet conversation which made Wally almost cry. Faint tears could be seen if you look closely enough. But suddenly (Y/n)'s voice brought him back to himself. "Look, it's a Ralts." Wally turned his head to see a shiny Ralts playing around grass. "I wish I could touch it." (Y/n) exclaimed with more eager and excitement in her voice. "Well, I can catch it for you (Y/n)." Ruby said and charmingly winked at his female friend. "Really? I will appreciate it so much." (Y/n) could no longer control her love for that shiny Ralts. "Wally was listening to all of this silently. "I will catch it for her." He mumbled to himself. So that's how the competition of catching Ralts began. Ruby was fully confident while Wally could barely hold a pokeball. (Y/n) wasn't going to sit there in shade like a princess but instead she chose to help her hardworking friends. It was almost an hour since it all began. Ruby had went too far to find it while Wally was keeping an eye on (Y/n) too so he could make sure that she was fine. The Ralts was a little mischievous too. It would appear in front of them once in a while and before any of them could catch it, it would teleport. (Y/n) and Wally were tired now so they were resting under a tree. Ruby was out of sight so they just assumed that he gave up and returned to his home. "Wally, I think we should go now, the Sun is about to set and -" Before (Y/n) could complete her sentence, Wally cut her down. "No (Y/n), I will catch that Ralts for you no matter what." Wally stood up again and continued his search for that Ralts. (Y/n) was too shocked to see him working too hard. She was also feeling kind of guilty to make him do that for her. Wally was panting, that's when she realised about his illness. "Wally, you -" (Y/n) stopped when she felt a sudden weight on her shoulder. She saw from the corner of her eyes that it was Ralts. Wally wasn't in good shape but sudden appearance of Ralts scared her that she couldn't help but scream. Wally was about to fall on the ground since he was out of breathe but when he heard (Y/n) scream in fear, he couldn't think of anything but her. He used all the remaining energy of him and threw that pokeball toward Ralts and GOTCHA. (Y/n) could now only see a pokeball with red blinking light and fainted Wally.

After a few hours Wally opened his eyes. Looking at the room, it seemed like he was back to his house and was currently lying on his bed. He was normal again luckily. He was wondering how he got back when he saw (Y/n) sleeping peacefully near his bed. She looked so cute while sleeping. He couldn't help but blush. He also noticed the same pokeball on the shelf next to him. He reached out for that but before his hand could touch it, (Y/n) was woken up. "Ahh Wally, you're awake. Thank God I was so scared." Her tearstained eyes could show it all I guess. "I'm sorry (Y/n), I made you worried." Wally apologised while (Y/n) shook her head. "Thank you for catching that Ralts, you are my hero Wally." She gave that boy the cutest closed eye smile which made him blush harder. "A..A..Anything for you (Y/n)." He said while looking at ground and the next thing he felt was a pair of lips gently kissing his tomato red cheek. "You're so awesome Wally." 

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