♤twenty four♤

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"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked, asking him to turn around. As Taehyung did so, Jungkook had asked him to lift his shirt up, causing the blonde to blush slightly. Jungkook simply smiled and helped the blonde, however it quickly disappeared as his eyes landed on the once smooth skin.

"T-Tae, are you sure you dont feel anything?" Jungkook asked as his fingers grazed the wounds with dry blood. Taehyung didnt flinch, answering his lover with a soft 'yes'.

Jungkook stared with wide eyes, suddenly recognizing the scar that was carved into Taehyungs back. He remembered the villagers carving that same figure onto his own back.

"Did you feel anything while you were away?" Jungkook asked, suddenly reminded of the other two who he had sent off.

"Where is my mother and Gwon? Are they safe?"

Taehyung turned around and lowered his shirt. He bit his lip as he tried to speak.

"Shoi and Gwon are safe, they were near the border when I left them, about an hour away. Theyre safe, do not worry." Taehyung was afraid to look at Jungkook, feeling as though he had failed his lover. He had failed to take care of Shoi and Gwon, all for his greadiness.

"I-I did feel something. It felt like I was being plundered by rocks on my way over, I nearly made me and Bella go off the side of a small cliff. I-I'm sorry I left Shoi and Gwon, I should have stayed with them-"

Jungkook suddenly placed his lips against the blonde, despising the sad look that had glazed over his lovers eyes.

"No, no its ok. Youre here and I am here with you ok? Shoi and Gwon are here as well, they will be, ok?"

Taehyung nodded his head, once again placing his lips against the brunettes own soft ones.

However it wasnt long before Taehyung felt pain in his lower back, causing him to push the brunette away. Jungkook felt pain as well, clutching onto his side as he tried to lift his head up to find Taehyung again.

"Tae, you have wounds on your back. T-Thats why you cant heal me, I cant heal you either," Jungkook said, urging the blonde to look at the mirror. Just as Taehyungs eyes landed on himself in the reflection, his once flushed face was drained of color.

"T-They look like yours," Taehyung said, nearly choking out the words.

"With this dagger anything is possible. All it takes is a star, or perhaps a diamond, to reveal its secrets. Its more than a simple blade, it bonds with your soul. It bonds with your own lifeline."

"Jungkook, you shouldnt be getting up right now-"

"Love its fine. I am ok, I need to see what you were talking about," Jungkook replied, slowly making his way to the giant mirror that was propped against the wall. He could sense Taehyungs weary sight, almost as if he would disintegrate like dust on a windy day.

"I just care for you."

Jungkook stopped as he finally reached the mirror, caching a glimpse of the blonden with his head down.

"I care for you more, petal, I love you," Jungkook said, turning back around to face the blonde. He could sense the pain his flower was drowning in.

"Come here," Jungkook said, leaning against the bed as he tried to steady his breath. Taehyung looked up with his honey brown eyes and Jungkook once again got lpst in the small galaxy that lived in the blondes precious eyes.

"We need to figure out how to heal this, I want to see your smile once again," Jungkook said as Taehyung leaned in and pressed his head against the brunettes chest. It took no time for the blonde to place his soft fingers around Jungkooks ear, slowly playing with it and the brunette leaned into the touch.

For the King (Vkook/Taekook)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum