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A thousand men stood tall as they bowed towards their king. Taehyung was shaking, his hand never leaving his side, afraid others would notice the fear in him.

It seemed like only yesterday he was crowned, as if Father Hope was still around, as if Jungkook had not nearly died in his arms. Looking to his right, there stood the said man, his face showing no signs of fear, only determination.

"General," Taehyung said, nodding towards him as he caught Jungkooks stare.

"We will not wait for him, he has harmed this kingdom far enough, his own one as well. We shall fight for Blinton, for that is our home, our dear land. We fight for King Kim, General Whon, and we fight for King Taehyung, for he has shown his strengths, and allowed me to be there for his weaknesses."

The knights cheered, noticing the fond look the General and the King shared.

"We attack on General Jungkooks word, I will fight along side you brave men," Taehyung announced, his hand reaching for the flamming torch. Once his shaking hands gripped the torch, he lifted it up in the air, his breath ghosting infront of his mouth.

"For Blinton!"

His voice was raw, his vocal chords nearly snapping. He had never yelled as loud as this before, his heart racing as he heard cheers. Jungkook could hear Taehyungs fear dripping in his scream, reminding him of his nightmare.

"Nothing will happen to you dear, I wont allow it."

The torch was thrown into the pile of hay and wood, the war was approaching. Large flames consumed the pile of rubbish, twinkling in the kings eyes as they teared up and stared in fear.

Taehyung felt as though his lungs were being caught on fire, each flame taking him down. He was afraid, terrified, too emotional to stand still. He nearly fell as he swayed, but strong arms held him up. He could feel the Generals warmth against his arm, making the blonde relax instantly.

"You need to sit-"

"No, I'll be fine love. I promise," Taehyung replied, taking a deep breath before closing his eyes and standing up straight again.

"You need a king to fight a war."

"Where is the kid?"

Cold eyes stared down at the subject who held no sign of fear. The king furrowed his brows at the state of the man, waiting for him to crumble under his stare, but the man did no such thing.

"I do not know sir. The child-"

"What do you mean you do not know?!" The king stood up, his hands gripping the throat of the subject that had spoken. The subject clawed at the kings hands, trying to catch a breath. Now he held fear in his eyes, making the king satisfied enough. It wasnt long before he stopped stuggling and fell limp against the Kings hands. He felt power running through his veins, nothing felt better than knowing you had the power to kill a man with your own two hands. He lived through their fear, through their deaths, he was a cruel animal with a crown.

"Who is next?! I want that boy here with my son or so help me! We attack today! Everyone prepare. Crystal shall be given its heir tonight!"

For the King (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now