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Hamunaptra - Day

Rick, Maggie, Evy, Jonathan, and the Warden are working next to a narrow crevice that weaves its way through the ruins. Rick ties a rope around a pillar and throws the rest of the coils into the crevice, about to rappel down. Jonathan bends over to have a look, his ass hits something, and he yelps and backs away. It's the decrepit face of Anubis.

"That thing gives me the creeps," Johnathan complains staring at the structure in front of him.

"Be nice, that thing saved my life," Rick says to Johnathan giving him a look. Evy and Maggie are positioning ancient mirrors along the crevice.

"That "thing" gets me excited." Maggie lightly squeals out causing Rick to look at her.

"The things that get you excited." He replies to her sarcastically rolling his eyes at her.

"Only you would know, wouldn't you." She tells him smirking causing him to laugh.

Evy tries to tune out the conversation going on between the two lovers while Johnathan fake gags, "According to Bembridge Scholars, inside the statue of Anubis was a secret compartment, perhaps containing The Book Of The Living." Evy says to the group tired of hearing Rick and Maggie's dirty talk.

"What are those mirrors for?" Rick asks the girls after moving to tie the rope around a pillar trying to hit the Warden with the large rope. Maggie snorts at that.

Evy looks to him, "Ancient Egyptian trick. You'll see."

Rick walks over to Maggie holding a brown tied pouch, "Here, I thought you might need, since- you know- you're a-"

"Archeologist." Maggie smiles taking the brown pouch out of his hands. He kisses her cheek before walking off. Maggie unrolled the pouch and saw a dig tool barley used. She looks up and smiles and sees Rick with a rope around his waist, He looks at her then rappels down into the crevice

Embalmer's Chamber - Day

Rick waves a torch as Maggie, Jonathan, Evy, and the Warden drop-down next to him. Evy peers into the spooky darkness.

"Do you realize, we are standing inside a room that no one has entered in over four thousand years," Evy states in awe while looking around the corridor.

The Warden rolls his eyes scoffing, "Who cares? I don't see no treasure."

Rick and Maggie rolled their eyes as they were leading the way through the tunnels hand in hand, "You're welcome to our share of the spider webs." Rick says glaring back at the Warden.

"And it stinks to high heaven in here." Johnathan gags. Maggie and Evy just roll their eyes.

Jonathan sniffs the foul air, then he looks at the warden and realizes where the smell is coming from. He stops sniffing. Evy brushes cobwebs away from a metal disk on the wall, then reposition it on its pedestal, aiming it at a ray of light shining in from the outer mirrors. The ray of light hits the disk and quickly shoots around the room from one disk to another until the whole chamber is lit up. Light rays shoot off down the passageways. It's the embalmer's chamber, "And then there was light."

"Hey, that is a neat trick," Rick says looking at Maggie in astonishment as she just smiles.

"Oh my god, It's a preparation room," Evy says in surprise looking around the room.

"Preparation for what?" Rick asks

Maggie comes up behind him and whispers creepily, "For entering the afterlife."

Rick quickly draws his gun. Jonathan gently nudges him, "Mummies, my good son, this is where they made the mummies."

Evy and Maggie head down a narrow passageway. The others follow.

Labyrinth - Day

Rick, Maggie, Evy, and Jonathan crouch as they make their way through a narrow, cobweb-infested labyrinth. The short, squat Warden can stand straight up. Then they hear something and freeze. It sounds like somebody is clawing inside the walls. They share looks. Then slowly move forward. Getting darker and darker as they go. The strange sound getting louder and louder. And then it stops. Evy holds her breath. Jonathan licks his lips. The Warden farts. Rick, Maggie, Jonathan, and Evy glare at him.

Anubis Chamber - Day

They slowly creep -out of the labyrinth and up to the foot of an enormous half-buried statue. The lower half of Anubis. Then they hear the sound again, coming closer now, from the other side of the statue. And closer. Rick pulls Maggie behind him. And closer. Rick raises his gun. 

Rick leaps out. Three horrible sweaty faces lunge at him. Rick reacts. But doesn't pull the trigger because it's just the Americans, their guns are up, cocked, and aimed, "You scared the bejeezus out of us, O'Connell."

"Likewise," Rick says back a sarcastic smile on his face.

Burns to Maggie and sees the brown tool pouch, "Hey! That's my tool kit!" He says reaching to grab it from her. Rick points the gun towards him.

"Yeah, I don't think so!" Rick says finger on the trigger ready to pull it.

"Okay, perhaps I was mistaken," Burns says back scared as he raises his hands.

"This here is our statue,...friend." Daniels sneers at Rick and Maggie. Rick pulls Maggie behind him more.

"I don't see your name on it,...pal!" Rick sneers right back. And that's when Beni, five Diggers, and the Egyptologist step out of the shadows, --all holding guns aimed at Rick.

"Ten to one, O'Connell, your odds are no-so-good," Beni states to Rick. Rick points his gun at him. In Maggie's eyes, he was just a weasel looking to get rich.

"I've had worse." He says back to him, Maggie nods in agreement. Then stops and gives him a weird look.

Jonathan clenches a tiny derringer, "Yeah, me too."

Rick gives him a sideways glance. Beni cocks his gun, grinning, he wants it to happen. The tension thickens. Then Evy gently takes Rick's gun hand and pulls it down, "Let's be nice, children, if we're going to play together, we must learn to share." Maggie nods in agreement.

Maggie and Evy pull Rick away. Jonathan and the Warden follow. Beni and the Americans slowly lower their guns, laughing. The Egyptologist excitedly begins translating the hieroglyphs.

Maggie looks back glaring, "Stupid Americans." She whispered. Rick gives her an offended look, Maggie looks back at him and sheepishly smiles, "Not you, Honey!" Before scurrying away. Rick shakes his head at her before laughing. 

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