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"Dalilah, my love, my life." The figure walks towards Maggie the sand around him seems to magnetize, swirling and dancing around his flaking skeletal legs, "You have returned to me."

Maggie is paralyzed. She's never been so scared in her life. Evy watches in horror as the figure stalks closer and closer to her sister, "Help us, please, help us!" She whispers and shouts to Burns.

Burns opens his mouth, but can only gurgle and moan because his tongue is missing. The figure turns around, hears Evy, and grabs him, throws him to the ground, and sets his skeletal foot on Burns' chest, like a big game hunter standing on his kill. The figure then parts his fetid lips and a fresh tongue laps between his rotten teeth.

The figure's stolen eyes widen, "Anck-su-namun?" Evy shivers in fear as he puts his attention on her.

Suddenly, Rick comes flying around the corner and runs right up to Maggie, whos still frozen in fear, "Would you quit playin, around! Let's get outta here already!" Maggie stays frozen looking ahead. Rick sees the look in her eyes and turns around, at the sight of the figure, Rick jumps back in fright, "Woah!"

Rick and Maggie start backing away down the wall. The figure glides sideways with them, like a tiger cornering his prey, the sand around him swirls and dances. Burns starts to crawl away, whimpering as he goes. The figure suddenly stops and unhinges his skeletal jaw, his skinless mouth stretches to an inhuman size, and he lets out a horrific, primordial shreik, "Dalilah!"

Maggie screams, breaking out of her frozen state. Rick shudders, then, embarrassed by his fear, he opens his own mouth and roars right back at him, "AHHHH!" Then blasts him with the elephant gun. He's blown off his feet, his ribcage half torn away. Rick grabs Maggie and runs. Evy follows behind them.

Crevice- Night

Sand and wind whip through the ruins as Rick. Maggie, and Evy stumble up out of the crevice and come face-to-face with ten armed Madji. The Madji quickly raise their guns. Rick, Maggie, and Evy quickly raise their hands. Jonathan, Henderson, Daniels and the Egyptologist are already on their knees, hands over their heads, "I told you to leave or die, you refused, and now you may have killed us all. For you have unleashed the creature that we have feared for more than four thousand years."

Rick rolls his eyes, "Relax I got him."

"No mortal weapons can kill this creature. He is not of this world." The leader steps forward.

"Are we talkin, about the same creature? The walking corpse? Really big mouth? Really bad breath?"

Several Madji drag Burns up, he stares out with vacant sockets. Daniels and Henderson are especially horrified.

"You bastards!" Daniels cries out.

"What did you do to him?!" Henderson demands.

"We saved him! Saved him before the creature could finish his work Now leave, all of you, quickly, before he finishes you all." The leader exclaims.

"You're not going to kill us?" Jonathon asks fearfully. Evy elbows him in the ribs.

The leader ignores him, "We must now hunt him down, and try and find a way to kill him, before he consumes the earth. Allah be with us."

the Madji start heading down into the crevice. Rick yells at them, trying to convince himself, "I told ya, I already got him!"

The leader turns around, deadly serious, "Know this, the creature will be coming for you. He must consummate the curse. And until he does, he will never eat, he will never sleep, and he will never stop." He turns and jumps down into the crevice.

Ruins- Night

Rick and Jonathon boost Evy and Maggie up onto a camel. Daniels and Henderson throw Burns up onto another. The Egyptologist, still clutching The Book Of The Dead, gets up on yet another. They all head off into the dark, windblown desert.

Evy's Quarters- Day

A steamer trunk is slammed to the floor and thrown open. Rick chucks a load of dresses into the trunk, "I thought you didn't believe in this stuff!?"

Rick heads for the closet. Evy unpacks the dresses, "Having an encounter with a four thousand year old walking-talking corpse tends to convert one."

"Forget it, we're out the door down the hall and gone!"

"No, we are not!" Ricks throws a handful of her underthings into the trunk.

"Oh yes we are." Rick continues to pack Evy's clothes as she continues to unpack them.

"No we are not. We woke him up, and we must try and stop him." Evy explains at him as their packing and unpacking fight continues.

"We?! What we?! You read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing. Didn't I tell you not to play around with that thing?!" Rick counters back. He wants to be done with her so he can get back to Maggie's as soon as possible.

"Alright then, Me, I, ...I read the book, I woke him up and I intend to stop him." Evy yells back at him chasing him around the room.

Rick angrily stretches a bra between his hands, "How!? You heard the man, no mortal weapons can kill this guy." Evy grabs the bra and throws it into a drawer

"Then we'll have to find some immortal ones."

"There goes that alieff again. Not me, not Maggie, we are outta here!" Rick stuffs a pile of Evy's shoes into the trunk. Evy kicks the lid shut, slamming it on his fingers. Rick yelps and angrily storms around the room sucking his fingers as Evy follows him.

"According to that Book, once this creature has been reborn, his curse will spread, and as he grows in strength, so will his curse grow, infecting the people until the whole of the earth is destroyed." Evy explains to him in ergency.

"Yeah? So? Is that My problem?"

"It's everybody's problem!"

"Look Evy, I appreciate you, and Maggie of course, saving my life and all, but when I signed on, I agreed to take you out there and bring you back, and I did, now we're even, end of job, end of story, contract terminated."

"I'm going to be your sister-in-law and that's what I am to you? A contract? Is that what Maggie is too?" Evy counters that, glaring at him. Trying to guilt trip him a little as well.

Rick snaps his head to glare at her, "How dare you even ask a question like that! Your sister is the love of my life and I would do anything for her, but I know that if she was here arguing with us right now she would side with me. Now, you can either tag along with us, or you can stay here and play around with Mister Maggot."

"I'm staying." Evy still says. Hand on hip.

"Fine." Rick storms out and Slam the door. A beat. Then the door opens and Rick's hand reaches back in and throws a handful of frilly panties to the floor. Slam goes the door.

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