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Way off across the desert, a large sand-devil races over the dunes. The sandy whirlwind comes to a stop and starts to dissipate. Evy, Maggie, and Beni are suddenly ejected out of it, they land in a dune. The swirling sand condenses and forms into Imhotep. He looks up into the sky, listening carefully. Beni lands on Evy and she repeatedly hits him to get him off of her.

"Oh God, we're back" Maggie realizes as they stand in the middle of the desert. Then they all hear a plane and look up. Maggie smiles, "Rick," she whispers out and smiles.

Imhotep scowls and his jaw unhinges to an inhuman size, he lets fly with another one of his horrible shrieks, and a massive wall of sand rises out of the desert. The sandstorm chases the diving, twisting plane. Getting closer and closer, about to engulf it. A face forms into the sand and completely engulfs the plane.

Maggie and Evy leap to their feet, "Stop it! Stop it! You'll kill them!"

"That's the idea" Beni smugly says. Maggie glares and decides in a split second decision she jumps up and kisses Imhotep.

He was in complete shock and it was over before he could even think about it. The sandstorm disappears, freeing the plane. Maggie pulls away and celebrates along with Evy. Imhotep scowls and uses his powers to knock Maggie out. He catches her and carries her bridal style.

Evy follows Imhotep, who is still carrying an unconscious Maggie, into the underground cemetery. She stops at the sight of all the big hairy rats scurrying through the mausoleums and over the gravestones. Beni shoves his rifle into her back and pushes her forward, "Keep moving."

Evy gives him an annoyed look, "You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself, always get their comeuppance."

Beni snorts then actually starts thinking about it, "Yeah?"


Beni looks even more worried, he nervously starts chewing on his lip. All three of them walk over the bridge crossing the disgusting detritus moat. Evy looks down at it, horrified.

A gunshot echoes into the cemetery as Imhotep, Evy, and Beni step to the strange altar, where four thousand years ago Imhotep tried to bring Anck-su-namun back to life. Imhotep scowls at the sound and angrily reaches into a Canopic jar. He pulls out the crusted remains of Anck-su-namun's heart, crushes it to dust in his hand and starts reading from The Book Of The Dead. Then he blows the dust against a mausoleum wall, and it comes alive.

Evy and Beni stare at the wall, both of them wide-eyed. Two forms emerge from the mausoleum's wall. Horrific-looking mummified corpses. Two of Imhotep's long-dead Priests. They bow to Imhotep, then turn and move off down a passageway.

Imhotep prepares the altar while speaking in Hebrew. Beni holds his gun on her, translating: "Prince Imhotep wants your heart."

Evy blushes, feeling complimented by the handsome prince, "How flattering."

Imhotep continues speaking while laying the four jewel-encrusted canopic jars next to the shattered one, "He wants your heart and your brain, your liver, your kidneys," Evy's eyes widen, "and how do you say? Those slimy things, in your stomach?"


"Those too!"

Evy can't believe it, she furiously turns to Imhotep, "You only want us for organs!" Imhotep looks at her and grins, then backhands her. Evy goes down for the count. Imhotep stares at her, cold, malevolent, and then he turns and walks off into the mausoleums. Beni nervously glances around, then quickly scurries away.

Imhotep turns from the altar as he hears more gunshots echoing out of the passageways. He angrily reaches into another of Anck-su-namun's canopic jars, pulls out her crusty liver, and crushes it to dust, then quickly starts reading a passage from the Book and BLOWS the dust down a passageway, "Kill them! Kill them all! And bring me the Book Of The Living!"

Evy wakes up, lying chained to the top of the altar, "Evy whatever you do, don't scream" Maggie whispers to her, finally awake with a pounding head. Evy blinks, then turns her head, and looks right into the rotted face of Anck-su-namun's corpse. Evy screams. Maggie internally face palms, "I told you not scream!"

Chained tight to the top of the altar, Evy and Maggie hopelessly struggle to free themselves. They stop as Priest mummies start surrounding the altar. The girls are horrified as the hideous mummies kneel down and begin to chant, which now sounds even more horrific due to the lack of tongues, jaws, and mouths in the room.

Imhotep steps up carrying the black Book Of The Dead. His hand reaches out and lovingly caresses Anck-su-namun's decayed cheek. He looks at Maggie sadly but he notices she just glares. He realizes that he'll never have Dahlila back and his heart broke into pieces.

Imhotep reads from the Book. The rotten Priest mummies rock back and forth, chanting. Maggie and Evy struggle. Then suddenly, the strange mist wafts up out of the swirling hole and over to the sacred jars, it passes through them and into Evy. Evy jerks as though she's been electrified.

The mist passes through her and into Anck-su-namun's body.

Anck-su-namun's crusty eyelids suddenly pop open. The girls stare at her in disbelief. Anck-su-namun's rotted head turns and looks at Evy with empty sockets. She freaks out and struggles wildly, then she notices Imhotep holding the ancient sacrificial knife, "With your death, my love and I will be invincible!"

He raises it up over Evy's chest, about to plunge it down. Evy's eyes widen in horror, Maggie screams, "No!" and that's when Rick and Jonathan burst in. Imhotep spins around and faces them.

Jonathan beams as he holds up the golden Book Of The Living, "Guys! Look I found it! I found it!"

"Shut up and get us off of here!" Maggie screams out. 

Rick grabs an ancient sword out of a statue's hand, jumps up onto a gravestone and leaps out over the Priests. The Priest mummies stop chanting. The mist vanishes. Imhotep steps forward. Rick strikes the sacrificial knife out of his hand. Imhotep bellows a command. The Priests stand up, swords and knives in hand, they attack Rick.

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