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British Fort Compound- Cario- Day

Rick angrily strides through the compound. He sees Beni coming up the path with a man dressed in hooded robes, his face covered by an ornate death mask. The figure disguised, "Beni ya little stinkweed, where did you slink off to?"

"You left me! You left me in the desert to rot." Beni exclaims angrily.

"Oh yeah, ....sorry about that." Rick gestures to the figure, "So who's this guy?"

"This is Prince Imhotep, High Priest of Osiris," Beni exclaimed voice wavering ever so slightly.

"Oh, hey, how ya doin'?" Rick sticks out his hand, the figure instantly recoils Rick gives him the once-over.

Beni quickly says, "The Prince does not like to be touched by other humans. A Silly Eastern superstition, I'm afraid."

"Yeah, well, we all got our little problems today don't we?" Rick mumbles but it is still loud enough to hear.

"He has come to help Mister Burns. Somehow I feel responsible." Beni was all but telling the truth.

"Don't gimme that, you never had any scruples." Rick snaps to him. He wanted to get back to Maggie so he could get her out of there.

"Do you know where I can steal some?" Rick fake-punches him. Beni flinches. Rick gives Imhotep a look as he strides off.

"See ya around, Padre." Imhotep's grotesque new eyes glare out from behind the mask. He knew he had to kill this man. Especially if he wanted Dalilah back.

Maggie's Quarters- Day

Rick storms in, still a little angry at Evy. He storms into Maggie's bedroom to find bags are all packed and ready. He was relieved that he did not have to fight with her too. But Maggie was nowhere to be seen.

He sees a note on the bed and picks it up. It was in Maggie's handwriting and it explained how she went out to go get Evy and tell her to leave with them.

Rick rolled his eyes. He had already tried that. He puts the note back down.

He makes his way out of the house.

Calabash- Day

The proverbial den-of-iniquity. Hard men, hard women, and hard liquor. Lots of deals going down. An older guy with a walrus mustache is drunk and talking to some tough customers.  He wears British WWI fighter pilot gear, "I'm the last of the Royal Force still stationed here, you know? All the other laddies died in the air and were buried in the sand."

The tough customers shove him away, "Ever since the end of the Great War, there hasn't been a single challenge worthy of a man like me."

Rick rolls his eyes, "I've heard it before, Winston" He shoves him away. Winston staggers back to Jonathan.

"I just wish I would've chucked it with the other laddies, gone down in a flame of glory, instead of sitting around here, rotting from boredom and booze!" Jonathan shoves him towards another group of unlucky sods Henderson and Daniels sidle up to the bar next to them.

Three shot glasses clink together. Rick, Jonathan, and Henderson slug 'em down, and all three of them instantly spit out the liquid. Half the bar spits out their drinks as well, "Sweet Jesus! That tasted just like," Henderson starts in disgust.

Rick drops his shot glass, causing it to shatter on the ground, "Blood."

All four men look at each other nervousness evident on everyone's face.

"And the rivers and waters of Egypt went red and were as blood." Jonathon recites one of the plagues.

A look passes over Rick's face. Realization, "He's here." He suddenly jumps away from the bar and runs for the door.

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