Chapter 4

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"Stacey, please call in Miss Knight"

"Certainly Ms Jane."

So Ms untight headmaster finally has a name. A knock on the door and a come in from Ms Jane saw another student appear..

"Miss Knight, this is Anna-lease Grey. She is a new student here and will be attending all your classes and will be your new roomate, I hope you will make her welcome. Miss Grey here is everything you need, you have your class schedule which includes session times for the blood donors, i have already sent someone for your belongings at the hotel you are currently staying at. Your class books have already been placed inside your dorm. Miss Knight i must warn you, Miss Grey is still fresh, her cravings are untamed and i hope you will endeavor to help her through this rough patch. Well ladies you both are dismissed. Your classes have been cancelled today for the both of you to help Miss Grey settle in. Good day ladies." I stand and follow Miss Knight. "Oh miss Knight, please remember the disgression we talked about and see to it that everyone else remembers too yes?"

"Yes mame." she says as she drags me away.

'My name is Jamie, you must be so nervous, I remember when I first started out,  but don't worry you will be fine. Lets go to our dorm, ill show you around after you have settled in."

I follow her up to our dorm which is huge. Almost the size of my hotel room. I see that my stuff had already been brought over and set up.;

"Wow they even set your stuff up for you, i guess that means we can go on that tour sooner than i thought. The bathroom and towels are just down the hall if you want a shower, or refresh yourself. I'll wait for you, its the least i can do for you after getting me out of my classes." I thank her and go down the hallway to the shower. Jamie never shut up, but i already had a soft spot for her.

I turn the hot water on strip down and hop into the shower, the water pressure was amazing. The water felt so good against my skin and before i knew it, i was weeping.

It was so hard to get out of the shower, my problems washed away with the water, but back in reality i knew it couldn't be that easy.

I hear a knock on the door. "Ana, its time for lunch, i'd like to introduce you to a couple of my friends, ill wait for you out here though"

I dry my hair, get dressed and follow Jamie out to the cafeteria. She runs up and leaps into her boyfriends arms.

I wait patiently for the two to finish their embrace looking around awkwardly. That's when i noticed that the cute guy from before was staring at me. If vampires could blush i think i would be blushing right about now.

Jamie and her boyfriend finally let go of each other.

"Hey guys, this is Anna, shes new here. Anna this is Bella, Luke, Annie and Steph." I nod in acknowledgement

"Shes a quiet one isn't she, i guess that will change soon enough." I must admit Steph was a little intimidating

Movement to my right caught my attention as cute boy came walking over.

"Well Steph, who do we have here?" her friend asked

"Her name is Anna, she was just admitted." Steph seemed really harsh towards this guy, definatly not friends i think as i mentally smile.

"My name is Riley, its nice to meet you Anna." he held out his hand i a slowly reached up for it.

I shook his hand and electric sparks went through my hand. He smelt different to the others, more apertising.

"I- I'm Anna." I stutter as he smiles and then im saved by the bell.

"Until next time Anna." and as he left i felt my breath release. I didn't realise i had held it, not that it matters, im not really required to breathe., irony seeps out as i continue my tour with Jamie.

"Wow, Riley never talks to any of us but he'll make an exception for you, i think you have now become very popular amongst our group."

"Why, whats so good about Riley?" I try to deflect how much of an affect he had on me.

"Don't try to act like you don't find him attractive, you wouldn't be human if you didn't." She paused, realising what she had just said. "I mean you get what i mean, sorry. Anyhow though that's the first time he's found someone else attractive, other than Steph."

"You think he finds me attractive?" I say it before i can realise how girlish i sound.

"And she finally admits that she likes him, we can work with this, we can all finally be popular, oh i am so glad you are my room mate."

We walked the rest of the tour in silence, Jamie thinking about her upcomming rise in popularity and her boyfriend whilst i tried not to think about Riley, failing miserably

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