-Episode 2-

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A/N sorry for the inactivity! I've been going through a lot and it's also exams! So, I'll try to be around as much as I can! We are always looking for new people, but let's continue!

In Elsabaine...

The Royals prepare for the anticipated visit. The news is all over the arrival of the other leaders.

In the news: aside from the anticipated visit, five people in the southwest region of Chay have died or Elkain poisoning. The government is called upon to take action, but due to the visit, the epidemic continues until they can do something.

In Concordia:

Lydia Kennedy and her children, Josephine, Klaus, Anastasia and Arabella are all set and on the long train ride in their luxury train to arrive in Elsabaine.

Breaking news: They're on their way, and the news if flooded with a look into the fashionable and luxurious lives of the Kennedy's!

In Vanderail...

Depression is rampant in the economy, and strikes are being held against big companies and their advisors, and the King and his wife flee to their visit in Elsabaine. Government officials Beverly Abbotsford and Everest Windchester  will travel with the king, handling affairs while he speaks to the other leaders.

In the news: The railroad workers are on strike, which is bad news for the king who needs to get out by train...

In Welaeiland...

The boy, Kikiluane Goldenhearth and girl, Eliza Claire Hemmington are seen leaving their "decrepit" mansion heavily Guarded by infamous assassin Sam Paul and his second in command, Alice Heathersburg. The forces that are defending them are everywhere.

In the news: flash flooding has completely devastated the lower sea level regions of Welaeiland. Member's of the citizen's hand are working by their civilians and help with the damages.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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