-Episode 1-

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A/N: We need more folks! We need people to fill in government positions, Vanderail and Concordia are very short on characters! But either way, I thought we'd start off easy.

So as the time draws near for a meeting of the leaders, this is the atmosphere in each country

In Elsabaine...

The Queen is preparing to have the visitors from all the other countries over. She is busy with work. Her children are playing and studying as usual, and it is all very relaxed.

Elsabaine's breaking news: A few criminals from the underground smuggling dens have been arrested for smuggling a supply of an illegal hallucinogenic drug called "Elkian", and the Elkian epidemic is still being battled by authorities. This concerns the queen. Relations between other nations are stable, exportation and importation is steady, and the people are happy.

In Concordia...

As summer times rolls around, all eyes are set on the children of the all powerful leader, Lydia Kennedy. Josephine and Klaus are figureheads for the ideal teenager of Concordia. Lydia shows off her summer fashions and trends as she surveys an military examination.

Concordia's breaking news: None! Concordia is a beautiful, peaceful, happy place! Did you see that sailor uniform Lydia wore on her yacht tour? It's to die for!

In Vanderail...

It's not looking too good. People are seizing their mines in search of valuable metals, and the economy is still in the low. 1/4 people are unemployed. The king and queen are to prepare for the visit.

Vanderail's breaking news: An uprising started in the mines in the southwest territory of Zinren. Workers are protesting their work hours and conditions. The king tries to do his best to compensate for the accidents, but the workers remain disgruntled.

In Welaeiland...

The boy and the girl are preparing for their visit to the Elsabaine conference. The citizen's hand is thriving in their secret base, known to the world as the "Underbelly".

Breaking News: Citizen's hand leader wins her third election in a row. The boy and girl congratulate the citizen's hand on their new accomplishments.

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