Charlie Scene Part 2

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y/n was still very much giving me the cold shoulder and none of the guys were taking my side. I understood that I was the one in the wrong, and I wasn't about to give up on a two-year relationship without trying to fix it first.

I had a really good idea how I could show y/n how much she meant to me. she'd always been a hopeless romantic, now I was going to pull out all the stops and I'd need help from the other guys if I was going to pull this off.


Jordon: I know how I'm going to make it up to y/n but I need some help...

George: It better be something amazing Jordon! Right now you don't deserve y/n

Danny: Tell us what the plan is first...

Jordon: It's going to be two parts. You know how y/n is always taking pictures, well I want to put them into a scrapbook of sorts to document our relationship over these past two years...

Jorel: I've known y/n the longest out of all of you idiots and know she'll like this a lot!

Matt: What's the 2nd part?

Jordon: I'm going to man up and finally propose...

Dylan: Jorel, Danny, and Matt you owe me and George money! Told you he'd do it after the tour and you doubted us!

Jordon: You bet on me and y/n?

George: If it helps Dylan and I said you would propose because you love y/n and we'll support you every step of the way man!

Jordon: Thanks, guys, I'll keep you updated!




Jordon had been acting differently this past month; he wasn't trying as hard to beg for your forgiveness. You were a stubborn person and always would be, but it was getting harder to ignore him because you were madly in love with him.

You intended to spend the day at the apartment lounging around, but Jorel and Danny showed up at 9 am demanding you go shopping with them. You don't question anything until they start dragging you into dress shop after dress shop.

Which was why you were now stood in a fitting room trying on dress number ten, the nine dresses before weren't right for the occasion you apparently needed to look nice for later. Jorel and Danny were keeping quiet.

"Come out y/n, Jorel's getting bored."

Danny's voice echoes through the empty fitting room just as you zip up dress number ten. The dress was Jorel's pick and it was in your two favourite colours black and purple, had long lace sleeves, and a skater skirt which had purple undertones.

Slipping into a pair of black heels Jorel had also thrown into the fitting room, you walk out and both guys jaws drop as they take you in. That meant the dress got their approval for whatever was being planned behind my back.

Danny whistles, "Damn y/n you look fine, I think you found the ideal dress, Jorel."

Jorel grins and rubs his hands together.


Jorel and Danny had taken you to Danny's where his wife did your hair and makeup all nice. Now Jorel was driving you to an unknown location after Danny hugged you and congratulated you in advance.

"Jorel, why am I dressed up? And where are you taking me?"

Jorel taps the steering wheel, "that will ruin the surprise y/n. Trust me you're going to love it."

As the drive continues you start to recognise buildings, why were you driving through your neighbourhood? You get your answer when Jorel pulls outside yours and Jordon's apartment building.

"Wow, Jorel you got me dressed up to take me home. Such a surprise, I'm sure I'm going to love it."

Jorel tuts, "enough sarcasm miss y/n, your surprise is in the apartment. Now go have fun and do something I wouldn't do girl."

You get out of the car and wave at Jorel before he drives off. Stairs and heels weren't the best combinations but you manage to get back to your apartment, more and more curious about the surprise. Opening the front door you step into the semi-darkened lounge which had been lit with candles.

"Err Jordon..."

"I'm in the dining room babe."

You follow your boyfriend's voice into the dining room and gasp loudly. He set up the small dining room table to look all romantic with candles and petals. Your eyes trail towards the open kitchen door where Jordon stood smiling and wearing a pretty nice suit.

"What's going on?"

He chuckles, "I knew a simple apology wouldn't work this time y/n because I hurt you badly. So I set out to show you just how much you mean to me and how I was a fool for ignoring you," he gestures towards the table where something was wrapped up, "I made your favourite meal y/n and made you something I know you will love."

You pick up the gift and unwrap it, seeing a plain black scrapbook with 'Jordon & y/n' written across the front in a fancy font. Opening the first you're stunned to see the picture George had taken the first time you met Jordon at one of Jorel's parties. Flipping through the rest of the memories you feel your eyes starting to tear up, this was a very beautiful gift.

"Oh, Jordon I love this. I forgive you."

"There are still pages to fill y/n and I want to fill them in together forever if you'll have me y/n."

Confused by what he meant you close the scrapbook and nearly drop it upon seeing Jordon down on one knee holding a ring box.

"y/n, will you marry me?"

"Yes, a thousand times yes I'll marry you Jordon," you squeal.

He slides the ring onto your finger and stands back up, "that would have been awkward if you'd have said no y/n. God, I love you so much."

You throw your arms around his neck and kiss him, you couldn't have asked for a more loving and touching apology.

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