"Oh... so your the American bitch that decided to live with me" he retorted

"Excuse me?"

"Your excused" I gave him a glare.

"Could you please show me to my room so I could sleep, I had a long flight.." I said, ignoring the anger that was now built up in me. " It's down the hall bitch, unless your too blonde to figure that out" he retorted, I ignored his blonde joke and grabbed my bags and made my way down the hall.

I opened my room door and was astonished to see how amazing it looked. The black day bed sat in the corner of the room right next to the window that had a white curtains covering it. A very large white book shelf was right next to a black desk. The rooms color was mainly white and black, which doesn't surprise me at all since the living room was those two main colors.

I pulled out my bag and placed all my books on the book shelf, it mostly consisted of romance novels and such. organized my books to Nicholas Sparks books  to even Shakespeare!  Once I finished I decided to call Ethan, but I remembered I left it in the living room... shit!

 I opened the door and it was pitch black dark in the hallway, I was to lazy to even turn on the light to I quietly moved down the hallway. I then bumped into something stiff which made me fall to the floor and say 'Oof." 

"Watch were your going" the deep british accent growled.

"Well it's hard to see when it's dark" 

"why didn't you turn on the light stupid? could you get anymore blonde" he retorted

"For one thing dumbass you bumped into me too and you also had the choice of turning on the light, so you could stop with your moronic stereotype jokes, and also I don't understand why you hate me? I  don't even know your name since you were very impudent the first time I saw you, are you misanthrope or something?" I shot back

"I'm Harry to let you know... And no. I'm not misanthrope, I just have something against you" 

"Why? I didn't do anything to you" I stated 

"Yes... you became my roommate"  He said waking off to his room and making a huge slamming sound. I sighed and went to the living room were my phone originally was, I grabbed it and went to the kitchen to make something to eat, I just hope Harry doesn't mind. I opened the fridge and saw fruits, I decided to make a fruit salad since it was the only thing in there that wasn't meat.

If your wondering why I'm not eating meat it's because i'm vegetarian. I've been vegetarian almost  2 years now since I found out about animal cruelty at the slaughter houses. I cried when I was forced to watch the video at Harvard.

When I finished making the fruit salad I went to the living room and decided to text Ethan to see how he's doing or even if he made it to his destination. I'm pretty sure he did since my flight took a lot  longer than his I bet.

After half an hour Ethan still didn't text back, I got up from the couch and washed my dish before heading to my bedroom.

I laid in my hopping get some sleep but instead I shot up from my bed to hear Harry screaming. I ran to his room and turned on his light, he was kicking and moving around a lot, he was sweating and by his voice it sounded like he was having difficulty breathing.

"STOP! HELP! NO!" He constantly yelled. 

 I quickly ran over to him shaking him "Harry wake up!!" I yelled his eyes fluttered open to reveal them being frightened and he looked scared, it was soon replaced with anger.

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM!?!!" He yelled

"because you were screaming and having a panic attack in your sleep, Harry. Look at you?" I said pointing at his body that was sweaty and shaking." I've only been here for an hour and i'm trying to help you, would you just push aside you hatred towards me and just talk to me... It will help a little" I told reassuringly

"No! Now get the fuck out of my room" I sighed and got up, before leaving I turned around " Well when you need someone to talk too, i'm here" I said before shutting the door. 

 Tell me how the Fan Fiction is! I've been meaning to write this for over a year now! Well... sorry chapter 2 took forever to write, I was meaning to update sooner but I had to buy stuff for Warped Tour and also had to go to Warped tour lol... But if any of you decide to go to an outdoor all day music festival wear fucking sun screen because it is fucking hot as a motherfucker out there, especially if you live in really hot places like California. When I got home I had the worst sunburn and tan. I'm not the fan of being tan so I go this face cleaning thing that also bleaches your face and started rubbing it on my back hahaha.. But comment, like, and share!