Start from the beginning

"The hell's got you all on edge?" Joaquin took noticed in his uneasy stance. He blinked at the teenagers then shook his head.

"Tall Boy thinks I'm no longer loyal to the Serpents because of all the work I'm doing to catch the Black Hood. Kind of set me off, that's all." The kids didn't say anything, causing him to roll his eyes. "You guys don't have to help me, you know."

"Well, too bad." Toni stepped forward. "We want to."

"Yeah, since you're the one who pulled us into this." Sweet Pea snarked. Toni shot him a glare then turned back to FP.

"What we mean allowed for us to connect with you, and we wouldn't be where we are without you. It's like we kinda all owe you a life debt or some shit."

"We may be loyal to the Serpents, but we're loyal to you too." Joaquin added in. "You're like our father figure, if that doesn't sound too weird." The comment hit him in an emotional sense. He may have lost Jughead and Jellybean all those years ago, but now he had these teens. These younger Serpents who had bright futures ahead of them, and they were so willing to help at whatever cost. They were the closest thing he ever had ot a normal family. He blinked back the tears forming at the corners of his eyes and coughed.

"Get in here. All of you." FP waved at the four young Serpents to huddle in. They formed a circle in his kitchen and threw their arms around in each other.

"In unity, there is strength." he lead them in the last Serpent law.

"IN UNITY, THERE IS STRENGTH." they all repeated, making him smile.

"You better leave before Tall Boy or any of those other assholes snitches." FP pointed at his front door. "You want me to make you guys some breakfast or anything? It'll have to be quick, 'cause I have to head off for work."

"We were just gonna grab some Pop's." Fangs answered. "But thanks." Sweet Pea clapped his smaller friend on the back and the two left the trailer, leaving Joaquin and Toni inside with FP.

"New Black Hood kill?" Joaquin leaned up against the kitchen counter.

"No." FP shook his head, wandering over to shut his door. "Heading out to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy to get information about the Reaper."

"You really that desperate for details?" the pink-haired Serpent raised her brow. "I mean....they probably have something, but they're kind of sketchy....and extremely immoral in their practices. Cheryl told me that her mother used to threaten to send her there while she was growing up." FP nodded at her.

"Point is," Joaquin pushed himself off the counter and joined her side. "Don't be surprised if you don't get the answers you're looking for."

"I know." FP grumbled. "But that's why I've got Alice."


The natural sunlight coming into the room woke her up. It was the best sleep Alice had in a while.....well, considering all that sex from the night before helped her rest easy. She stirred awake but the comfort of the bed tempted her to go back to sleep. The arm around her stomach and the heat behind her tempted her too. She tilted her head back to find Hiram peacefully asleep spooning her. She returned to her initial position and smiled. Hiram Lodge could have picked any woman to have as his lover, and yet he chose her. This beautiful, mysterious man picked her to be his companion. How the hell did she get so lucky?

In the distance, someone's phone was buzzing. Shit, was it hers? "Fuck." she muttered, and she peeled herself out of the bed. Behind her, Hiram grumbled in his sleep and stretched out his arm at the space where she was. Alice wandered over to the couch and found her phone going off. FP was calling. Oh crap, she remembered. The Sisters of Quiet Mercy.

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