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Calum's afraid of falling in love- so he does what he does best- builds his walls as high as he can.


You met Michael Clifford approximately two years ago. He was on tour with his band when he just happened to spill his Powerade all over your white t-shirt.

Let's just say you could not continue walking around New York City as your entire shirt was completely see-through, so Michael, being the nice guy you now know he is now, took you to an H&M and bought you a new shirt. On this peculiar journey, however, you two had gotten along surprisingly well considering he was the complete opposite of everything you are.

He- on one hand- had enough talent to entertain thousands of people, meanwhile the only talent you had was entertaining your dog- and even that's debatable.

He was the laziest person you had ever met, meanwhile you were always on task, and always getting things done.

He was also a complete slob, making a mess everywhere he went. With all that added up, you would think that two years later since the tragic Powerade incident, that you and Michael Clifford would have parted ways and never have talked again.

Well- wrong.

Right now, Michael Clifford is staying with you in your tiny apartment in New York City because of his band's new recording studio in the city. After Michael had left you with your new H&M shirt, he ended up messaging you on Snapchat later that day- which you thought he was just asking for out of guilt- and you guys, in a way, became internet friends.

Now, you knew Mikey like the back of your hand and could read him like a book.

In the process of becoming best friends with Mikey and living with him, you were bound to meet his three bandmates, who he doesn't even call his best friends, but brothers.

The first bandmate you met was Ashton. Not long after meeting him, you soon realized that Ashton was a literal representation of the sun. His laugh, or should you say giggle, was contagious. Out of all the bandmates you met after Michael, you got along with Ashton the best. With the boys staying at a nearby hotel, and Michael being too adamant on the hotel beds hurting his back, it was fated to happen that his bandmates would come over to your apartment.

Ashton, however, came the most often. Whether it was to bring in lunch or to play video games with Michael, he somehow found a way to come over at least five days out of the week.

After Ashton, you met Luke. Luke was definitely unique. In your short time of knowing him, he had already grown tremendously- physically and mentally. Sometimes you and Michael would watch old interviews of the band and you could visually see the growth of Luke. He went from shy and quiet to the loud and confident man he is now.

Luke would sometimes come over with Ashton, but most of the times when he had free time, he would spend it with his girlfriend, Sierra. Sierra decided to stay with Luke in New York for the three months they were here and make some music herself. Sierra and Luke were also bound to get married. It was evident that Luke cared more for Sierra than anyone else in the world, and that their love was unique, a kind of love you only ever saw in the movies.

One day, you invited the bandmates and Sierra to your place for dinner. You didn't have a gigantic apartment considering you were still in college, finishing up your kid's therapy degree and interning for a local therapy center- which didn't pay all that well, however you still wanted to become closer with Michael's closest friends.

That was also the first time you met Luke face-to-face.

Seeing Luke in person for the first time was an experience. You were only five foot one, so Luke being a whole foot taller than you brought a few hundred short jokes from the giant. Not only that, but his favorite activity was to hug you because you were "the size of a bug" or so Luke says.

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