Chapter Two

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"Dad slow down!!"

"Dad please!"

"Were going to get in a accident!"

*Not a flashback*

Running, running, and running. what did I tell you.
"HEY GET BACK HERE!"a officer yelled
Running from the cops not the best idea
My heart was beating fast faster than ever before, tears came before my eyes and man do I just wish I had wings like  BUTTERFLIES.
  I got away far enough were the cops can't find me, there  probably still looking but I can't see them but that doesn't mean they can't see me. The fields of grass and leaves and trees were beautiful there was a street that went on for miles that I had to catch up to. My strawberry blonde hair blew in my face as the wind was blowing and the sun was setting.
The most beautiful thing I ever seen.
  My clothes were filthy with dirt and tears and my shirt partly ripped haven't took a shower for weeks and my life was a piece of shit living in a hole of hell not knowing what the hell was going on fucking confused and having no one it was like someone stabbed me right in the chest and left me there to die and watch me turn to dust.

OK maybe I'm over exaggerating
"Hey"a guy said pulling over by his car
I ignored him
"Hey little girl"he whispered
"I don't talk to strangers"I told him walking a little bit faster as the guys car was driving my paste of walking
"Look my names Mitch"he told me
"So..."I told him
"So what's your name and maybe if you tell me your name we won't be strangers"he said
"Nah...I'm good"i said not looking at him and looking at the road
"If you think I'm going to hurt you your wrong"he told me
"Nope...not doing it"I said still focusing on the road
"Why not?"he asked

  What was this guy doing if he tried to kidnap me he could've had many other chances still has a chance right now. He looked like he was in his twenties and with a clean shaved beard and brown eyes and long short hair.

  I wanted adventure and get in trouble with people just to give me the rush just to do it again. I wanted to let go of everything and just move on. I started walking towards the car as the mysterious guy stopped his car.
I hopped in the front seat and hold my breath for some reason. I just always do it when I'm scared and a few seconds passed without him doing anything no talking no weirdness or anything he just kept driving so I let out that deep breath I was holding in and let it out. My heart started to beat fast as I did.
"You from around here?"he asked
I didn't want to answer cause he was a stranger but I did anyways.
"No I'm not"I said trying to control my breathing. What the hell am I doing this was a bad idea I mean I can't just jump out the car I have to stay.
"Where you from?"he asked
I tried not to answer but I didn't want him to think I was scared of him because I'm NOT.
"Um...LA"I said looking out the rolled down window to see the sun going down and my strawberry blonde messy hair blowing in the wind.
"The rich side or the shitty side?"he asked as he was still focusing on the road
"The shitty side"I said still looking out the rolled down window
"Yeah...I kinda figured"he said having a small laugh at the end of his sentence. I kinda got confused of what he meant by "yeah I kinda figured"

"What's that supposed to mean?"I asked in a confused way
I still didn't understand, was it the way I was dressed I mean the shitty side of LA is bad but people still have decent clothing.
"Nothing...just you look like you haven't showered in days"he said as he looked at me. He was kinda right it was bad. It was a few seconds of silence until he decided to ask another question.

"So...what happened why were you, in the fields of grass and a long ass road that goes on for miles?"he asked still looking at me as he slowed down the car
"I don't even know you, I literally got in a car with a stranger and your asking me all these questions...I don't even know you"I said in the most calm way I could I wasn't mad I was just tired of people asking me the same questions. Before the cops and in the fields with the tall grass I was in the system. My parents didn't want me so they literally put me on the streets when I was a baby trying to get people to take me and take care of me. I knew they wanted me to be safe. A little bit after I was adopted my dad died in a car crash and Everytime I always have a dream that I was in the car with him, But it just turns out it was just a dream
"Sorry, sorry I was just asking"he said in a I'm sorry voice it was just calm
  It was silent for a little bit until I opened my mouth and started talking.
"Where are we going?"I asked still looking out the window as we were still in the car and it was dark so there wasn't much point I couldn't see shit.
"Were going towards the city back to my apartment"he said as I looked at him
"What?"he asked
"Nothing I just...I never gotten into a stranger's car before and is going to there apartment...are you going to kill me?...why are you doing this? what do you want from me?"I asked in a variety of questions until he cut me off
"Whoa...that's a lot of questions there kid"he said as he was still focusing on the road and his eyes were widening because of all the questions I asked.
"Sorry"I said under my breath
"So...first question"I said looking at him as I could tell I was annoying him with me talking but I didn't really care.
"Why did you do this...why did you pull over and said hey?"I asked as I was still looking at him.
  It just didn't make any sense why did he pull over and say hey does he know me. THERE IS SO MANY FUCKING QUESTIONS.
"You looked like you need help...I heard the cops they were close and then I saw you running I wondered to myself how is that little girl running from the cops, you looked like shit and then I thought again hey she's just like all the other people useless"he said, He's such a asshole
"I am not useless!"I said in the most understanded way i could. I didn't yell I was just very serious.
"You sure about that"he told me looking at my deep emerald green eyes

  What the hell is he doing he so doing this on purpose
"Why were the cops chasing you anyways?"he asked I was feeling overwhelmed with all the questions he was asking. It felt like he was going to ask a billion more questions it felt like it was never going to stop. It was silent again for a few more seconds. I hated the silence I mean for my whole life I was trapped in the silence I hated it ever since. After those few seconds of silence I started to talk
"I stole food from a store"I told him realizing what I just said
"Why?"he laughed
"I was hungry"I said as I laughed at the end

   We were getting close to the city of LA. It was beautiful I could see all the beautiful buildings with the shining bright lights. I was almost blinded by the big huge bright lights. We were on the thruway and it seemed like there was no cars on the highway road. 
We were driving for a few more hours and then we made it I'm guessing to his apartment. It was a building just like the other ones bright lights shining out the windows and as tall as ever.
"Is this it?"I asked as I looked at him and as he unbuckled his seat belt and unhooked the Keys from the car engine and opened the door but before he got out he said.
"Yep, ready?"he asked as he looked at me and I said.
"Yeah...just kinda didn't answer my question before"I said being shy for those few seconds. I just need to ask before I go with him.
"Are you going to kill me?"I asked looking at him feeling really scared of what he's going to say.
" I'm be honest I never was"he said as I looked at him the whole time he answered me. I think I believe him.
"Oh...okay"I said under my breath as it was hard to breath for some reason.
It was a few seconds of silence until I said something. It was just getting awkward from not talking even for these few seconds.
"Ready to um...go"I asked him with a awkward smile
"Yeah let's go"he said as he fully opened the door and I unbuckled my seat belt quickly and opened the door as I was behind him walking next to him as he grabbed something from his pocket. Oh god what could that be.
Could it be a gun
A knife to kill me.
What if he lied when he said he wasn't going to kill me.
My heart raced at those few seconds passed and he took out the thing that was in his back pocket.
It was just his keys.
I think I'm losing my mind.

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