Date at a Diner

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       Adrians POV
The movie was great. Marinette and I held hands, Brigette fell asleep on Felix's shoulder, Alya and Nino sneaked food in and they were eating it during the whole movie... And Chloe was complaining the whole time because she didn't bring Luka.

After the movie ended we all separated. I asked Marinette if she wanted to get some food. We went to a small diner.

Third POV
Marinette and Adrian sat down , they ordered food and while waiting they started talking about lots of different things. They talked about everything and anything. They looked like they have been together for a lifetime, when in reality they became a couple on the same day.

Marinette: So who is your favorite hero in Paris? Mine is Chat Noir !
Adrian:Cool! Mine is Ladybug!
Marinette: Which one?
Adrian: The one with the shorter hair! She is really cool!
Marinette: *Blushes*
Adrian: Which Chat Noir do you like better?
Marinette: The one with shorter hair and tanner skin!
Adrian: Oh wow princess you really notice small differences between the two Noir?
Marinette: What can I say? I am a big fan!

They both giggle and start holding hands... until they are interrupted.

Lila:OMG! Adrian! How are you?!
Adrian:I am fine I guess.
Marinette: I am good too! Thanks for asking!
Lila: Yea yea whatever! So Agreste, what are you doing here?
Adrian: I am having a Date with my beautiful girlfriend!
Lila:Where is she? I don't see her?when did you start dating? Is she prettier than me? I think you deserve better!
Adrian: She is sitting next to me. Yes you do see her . We started dating today . She is the most beautiful girl in the whole world and she is the best I can have!
Marinette:* tries to hide her blush *
Lila: WHAT!
Adrian: Now , please leave so I can continue this date! Thank you! *smiles*
Marinette: Bye Lila!
Lila: B-Bye?

Lila left them alone but somehow she still ruined the peace that the two had. Their meal arrived
Adrian:Um... Miss , could you make this a takeout? Sorry , we changed plans!
Marinette: What? Where are we going?
Adrian: you'll see!

*Time skip*

The couple existed the diner and processed to walk towards the parking space .
Marinette:Why are we here?
Adrian:Well... I bought a car few weeks ago
Marinette:Why? You don't have a license, do you?
Adrian: That isn't a problem when you are a famous model *winks*
Marinette: Which one is it?
Adrian: The black Ferrari with green stripes!
Marinette: Damn!
Adrian:Get in!

They get into the car and Adrian starts driving.

Adrian's POV

She looked scared to be in the car with me. So I went slow. All of the sudden I saw a black figure fall on the sidewalk.
Adrian:I am stopping the car!
Marinette: ok.

Turns out it was Chat noir.... I was scared and didn't know what to do.

Marinette: Don't worry Adrian! I can see what's wrong with him!
Chat:Someone just stabbed me with a knife.
Marinette: Ok! Stay strong Felix!
Adrian: What !?
Marinette: Yes I know he is Felix, but that's not important at this moment! Now just detransform so I can take the knife out!
Chat:ok... Plagg, Claws Off!
Felix:Adrian take care of Plagg! He might be hurt too!
Adrian: Ok I have some cheese in my pocket.
Plagg:Thank god! I was starving!
Marinette:Ok now that that's done, Adrian check for a first air kit in your car!
Adrian: Here you go!

She patched my brother up and we sat him down in my car.

Marinette: Now, Where is Ladybug? Did she get hurt too?
Felix: No I was alone today. She didn't have time for me, apparently she had a date.
Marinette: Did you walk Brigette home?
Felix:Yes. I was going back home when I got stabbed.
Adrian:I am thankful that you saved Felix, but.... how did you find out that he was Chat?
Marinette: Well.... he used to come to our balcony at night to see Brigette.... Brigette wasn't home once and I was in my room trying to sleep and I heard a bang on the roof. When I went out to the balcony he was detransformed already. But he didn't see me. Then I figured that Adrian was probably the other chat!
Marinette:You should get some rest Felix!
Adrian: I'll take you home then I'll go home with Felix!
Marinette: No! You should get him home immediately! I am an independent woman!
I can take care of myself

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