No Fate But My Own: Chapters 16-20

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Chapter 16

The Ash/The Morrigan

The Morrigan waved the server away from their table to stand silently in the corner. Samuel sat across from Evony looking slightly uncomfortable with the intimate setting surrounding them. He hadn't known that she had kept the loft in neutral territory that they had frequented many years ago in secret rendezvous's. Samuel picked up his fork and speared a piece of tortellini and brought it up to his waiting mouth. He let out a small moan as the rich creamy sauce assaulted his taste buds. "You cooked?" He recognised the flavour. Evony had used to cook for him on a regular basis.

"Yes, I remembered how much you loved my cooking. Especially my grandmothers, wild mushroom stuffed tortellini with gorgonzola and parmesan sauce. How is it?," Evony asks, already knowing from the small moan he had let slip on his first taste.

"Wonderful Evee. You were always an amazing cook." Samuel gives the exotic beauty a smile before setting his sights back on his meal.

"Shall we talk about business now, Samuel?" Evony starts to eat as well, for a moment being swept back to her time spent in Sicilia with her grandmother and her large family. They used to gather and eat on a long, mahogany table outside with the views of her grandparents orchard around them. Sometimes she longed to get away from the city and it's stifling, congested atmosphere and go to her ancestral home, which had been passed on to her after her grandparents death. She didn't get back there often enough, her duties as Morrigan restricting her travel time.

The server quietly came forward and refilled Evony's glass with more red wine from the bottle of 2008 Amarone. "Did you hear about the commotion Bo made at the club down town, Samuel. It is only a matter of time before she exposes us all. We should just put the bitch down now, before it's too late."

The Ash looks up at Evony a look of bewilderment on his face. He looked up at the server who was now filling his glass with the dark aromatic liquid. He motions for the server to disperse leaving him alone with the frustratingly rash and violent woman across from him. "Evony, you are the one not being mindful of what you say in the presence of ears that should not know our business," he says reprimanding the woman for being so careless. The server had not reacted openly to anything that she had said but that didn't mean he wasn't listening to every word being uttered.

"What?" Evony says, colour rising to her cheeks at the audacity of the man across from her. The Ash motions his head towards the waiter standing straight and at attention in the corner of the room.

"He is human, so unless you were planning on killing him afterwards...," The Ash whispers and he trails off his sentence not wanting to actually know if he would be a part of killing this human just because he was sent by his employer to this place and time.

Evony laughs loud and delightfully at Samuel and his goody goody sensibilities towards the human race. "Oh relax, Sammy, I'm not going to kill our waiter. He's deaf! I specifically asked for a deaf waiter so that our conversation would not be heard by anyone but us."

"A deaf waiter?" he says, in disbelief.

"Yes," Evony responds rolling her eyes. "That's what his employer said the first time I asked for a deaf waiter. Jerome had to go out and find one for me because he didn't have a hearing impaired server on his staff. Now he has a team of deaf servers for people who wish to conduct their business in private. I don't have to pay for his services because I was the one who gave him the idea of promoting his 'privacy ensured', side of the business. His business has doubled. There are a lot of people that don't want their personal or profession business sold to the papers or competitors, his business is booming because of me. As much as I like to suck the humans dry of their talent, I have my standards and I do it slowly over time. Give me some credit, for fucks sake."

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