Chapter Three: A Lone Vampire Not So Alone

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I can control my hunger for blood for a maxium of two weeks but once I reach that I go beserk and drink three or four humans dry. It's half way through the second week and I begining to feel the longing in my throat. I've been wandering around the canyon searching to find some sort of town with people to drink from, I couldn't find it at first but soon saw a person with a camel walking toward me drapded in cloths from head to toe. I have been perfectly find body wise other than the thirst so when the man noticed me he looked beyond confused.

"Excuse me sir but how are you still standing in those clothing and not dying of thirst?" I smirk when I heard the last part.

"I am searching for a town is there one near by?"

"Yes actually I just came from it," The man pointed directly behind him. "The town is straight ahead and not that far from here."

I smiled at the man and finally lost control and started panting. "You asked me how I wasn't dying of thirst? I am... for blood that is!" I exposed my fangs and latched myself onto the man slowly drinking his rich smooth B blood. I relaxed myself as I sucked the man dry. I pulled back dramatically sighing of satisfaction and looked at the frightened camal. My eyes focused in on the large vien on the camal's long neck, I tapped the vien a couple times feeling it's pulse exploding. I siezed the camal's neck and sunk my fangs deep into it's scrawny neck. The camal took less time to suck dry then the human did making me aggitated by the crude taste it left in my mouth. I walked towards the town away from the lifeless dead bodies of the man and camal.

I arrived into the town and instantly felt the busy atmosphere change to a curious mood. All the women in the town stared gawkingly at me when the men glared at me. I turned on my charm capturing two girl's hearts with my smile. I walked up to them and looked at them. "Excuse me but would you please show me around this area?"


"Right away!"

"Thank you." I wrapped my arms around their waists and wandered through the town. It wasn't a very large town but it was easy to get lost in. I was holding each girl's inner hand around their front while my arm was around their lower back keeping my grip on my prey tight. I could feel the girls quick heart rate through their fingers as I directed them in a dark allyway.

"Where are we going?" The girl on the right asked curiously not afraid at all just excited.

"This place is kinda scary don't you think?"

"You girls want to have some fun with me?" My voice was low and suductive.

"Fun? What kind of fun?" The right girl asked happily.

"How about you two play around with my body if you give me something in return at the end?"


"Um... I don't know..." I lifted the left girls chin so she looked into my eyes. Her eyes faded over cloudy as she nodded her head. I turned towards the other girl who was bouncing up and down and grinned and I leaned against the wall. The girls had latched themselfs onto me.

I tilted the shy girl's head up reveling her neck as I nibbled her neck and exposed my fanged into her neck and quickly sucked her cool thick B+ blood. The other girl didn't notice anything while she was feeling my abs. My naturally cold skin freaked the girl out a bit but got accustomed to it as I threw the lifeless body away and yanked the other girl under me trapping her between my arms.

"Expose you're neck..."

"What are you saying silly."

"You're master comands it." She instantly showed her neck to me as she glanced at the shy girl's lifeless body her eyes grew wide with fear and her pulse that was already beating extremely fast had grown faster as I brought my face closer to the base of her neck. "I haven't bitten anyone from here in a long time..." I rubbed my nose against the front of her throat making her shiver. "I promise it will only hurt a bit..." The girl shut her eyes tightly as a tear escaped. "I'm lying I'm going to be rough with the type of girl you are."

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