Chapter Two: Metting with an Alpha and Luna?

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I've been wandering around the town I was dumped in looking for something that will tell me where I was exactly. I was walking around in daylight trying to find an open store to ask where this is but they were all closed and I didn't see a single person walking around. I decided I would just wait and maybe take a nap in the trees till night when everyone woke up but as I was walking to the town's entrance I noticed three largely built guys about ten feet away guarding a girl. I listened and heard her heart sent racing when her eyes locked with mine. She looked mesmerized by me with a small blush on her face.

I can't blame a human to fall for me since vampires have a charm that makes everyone from the opposite sex fall at one glance. I looked at the three guys glaring at me. I tilted my head and walked closer to them. All three of them started growling at me when I got five feet away.

"Who are you. Why are you awake. What business do you have here. Where did you come from. Also when did you arrive in Shaddy Hallow." The guy in the middle barked questions that sounded more like orders.

"I have no name, I'm awake because I wasn't tired. I have no business here. I don't know where our cave was but in a forest. I didn't really arrive here by will I woke up in the middle of the street here yesterday." I went over to a tree and leaned against it. "So this place is call Shaddy Hallow?"


"Luna, you must not approach unknown people." One of the guards said blocking the girl. She walked around him and straight to me. She has long black hair, aqua blue eyes. She's about six feet. She's wearing a grey spaghetti strapped tank top and dark blue jeans and black sneakers. I glanced up at her looking her up and down. They called her Luna... Where have I heard that before... I knocked my brain around trying to remember where I remembered it from.

"You are new to our town?"

"Mm? Apparently." I mumble out a reply still thinking.

"Are you a human being?"

"Human? No." I finally remembered where I heard it from. When Dylan's parents where taking about him finding his mate and then she would become the Luna. I smiled that I remembered where I heard it from but then my smile soon disappeared remembering Dylan my best friend in the pack, he would soon be the pack's Alpha male. I looked up at the girl and smiled. "Are you a werewolf?"

"There's no such thing."

I glanced at her. "Oh? So when I watched over twenty men transformed into wolves they weren't werewolves?" I grinned as the girl looked at me shocked. "Oh and you were just called Luna correct? Luna in werewolf means Alpha's mate right?"

The girl blushed and then quickly coughed covering her mouth with her fist trying to hide her blush. "I can't foul you can I? Well since you know there are werewolves does that mean you are one?"

I scuff and laugh. "I'm not a wolf, I only lived with a pack of them till the other day."

"Then what are you?"

I pushed my self off the tree and leaned near her ear. "I am a lone vampire... Luna." I grinned when she went frozen and I walked into the forest.

"Now that I think about it I never did run into any other vampire in my life... I don't even remember my parents that well to know if they were vampires of not."

I stopped walking when I heard a small ruffling sound. I walked towards the sound and found a small boy sleeping near a river. I walked closer to him and looked down at him. He had scruffy brown hair and wolf ears on the top of his head. His left wolf ear was partly falling down as the other stood straight up. He growled in his sleep showing his top and bottom fangs.

The vampire That Runs With WerewolvesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang