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Mika POV

"Uwahhh! Izu-chan! Please save me!" Tears were threatening to fall as my fingers were slowly losing its grip on the monkey bars. Dammit! I wanted to show off my skills to Izu-chan but I wussed out and am now in this predicament.

"D-don't worry! I'm right below you! I'll catch you for sure!" Izuku tried to reassure me.

"B-but if you can't catch me... Then my legs would break!" The tears that I was desperately holding back then started to flow down my face like a river escaping a dam.

"That won't happen! Everything will be fine! That's because I am here!" Izu-chan repeated All Might's famous one liner.

"I-I'll trust you..." I whimpered as I loosened my grip on the monkey bar and crashed into Izu-chan's arms. Since he wasn't strong enough to support my weight, we both sank to the cold, hard floor.

"Owwiee!" Izu-chan mumbled as he rubbed his sore butt.

"Thank you Izu-chan! You kept your promise and caught me! You're my hero!" I gave him a big hug and wiped my tears and snot onto his shirt.

"Ewww don't wipe that on me!" He pushed me away.

"Hehehe!" I sheepishly grinned.

"Geez..." He pouted.

"Hey Izu-chan... The monkey bars are too scary, let's play hide and seek instead!" I suggested.

"Ok! You're the seeker! Count to 10 now!" Izu-chan quickly scurried off somewhere while I turned around and started counting down.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...! Ready or not... HERE I COME!" I let out a big smirk. I'm the best seeker in the world, it's like there's this invisible string guiding me to where my prey(Izu-chan) is.

I was walking around the park for about a minute when I saw a very suspicious leg poking out of bushes. Hehehe... How should I scare him now... A mischievous glint flickered in my eyes. I ran to a nearby water cooler, wet my hands, slowly crept to the bush Izu-chan was hiding in and touched his leg with my cold, wet hands. (A/N: You sure that's your Izu-chan...? I mean there's a lot of foreshadowing in the title)

"I caught you." I whispered in a creepy voice and grabbed his leg with my cold, wet hands.

"GAAAAHHHHHH!" A voice that did not belong to Izu-chan echoed throughout the park, garnering the attention of everyone nearby.

"Huh...?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"What the hell! Who are you! You're gonna pay for scaring me!" The kid tried to struggle out of the bushes but to no avail.

"Whaaaaaat? All I did was scare you... Geez what's your problem..." I pouted.

"Screw you! And get me out of this stupid bush! " He threatened.

"I don't like the way you are treating me right now... How about saying please." I taunted him by poking his butthole with a stick. Only Izu-chan can treat me roughly. Wait... That sounds wrong...

"GYAAA! I swear I'll kill you when I get out of this myself!" The boy let out a high pitched cry.

"That is IF you can get out. So how about saying please? Leon-sama said that I need to teach bad kids some manners. Let's see who's faster. You? Or this stick?" I squinted my eyes and let out a mischievous laugh while driving my stick a little further in. Seeing this boy in distress gives me an indescribable pleasure that makes wanna do even more despicable things. *sighs* What has Leon-sama done to my pure and innocent mind...? I'm only 4 years old for crying out loud!

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