Soulmates (HighOnVkook)

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I'm not really a talkative person. Everyone around me from a small age has been telling me that I'm useless and that there is no hope for me, which after time made me shut up and not want to speak to a single person ever again.

My name is Min Yoongi and I go to a school for people who's powers got mixed up. The world I live in has been chaos for the past few years. There is this disease that's been going around and infecting kids who's powers haven't really shown yet. Everyone has a unique power, I wish I knew what mine was.

I have had many friends as a kid but once the disease struck me, everyone suddenly thought that they'd get sick too and their powers wouldn't ever show, or well in my case, get mixed up. One of my friends who hasn't left me is Kim Taehyung and the other one is Kim Namjoon.

Taehyung's power had shown when he was a baby. Since then, Taehyung's parents have been treating him like a God because these cases are really rare. He's currently a teen and is trying to deal with his hormones and perfecting his power. He has the power of making people say things they're thinking at the moment. His mom has the same power so naturally, she was very proud.
Did I mention that Taehyung has a soulmate tattoo?

Oh right. Soulmate tattoos are something that's not related to your powers. They appear on you as a kid. Well, it's not really an often case. One in 100 people has a soulmate tattoo. Some parents really hate their children when it appears because an arranged marriage is still a thing, sadly. I, also, have a soulmate tattoo. It's pretty cute if you ask me, it reads "P🌟J".

Namjoon is one of my friends from the mental hospital. I have been living there since they noticed my powers got mixed up. Namjoon's powers have never shown. He still hopes one day they are going to show but I'm not so sure about it. Namjoon also doesn't have a soulmate tattoo.

I should tell you why I'm at a mental hospital right? Well, it's not only because of my powers, but it's also because people often call me crazy. I don't really do things normal people do.

When I get really frustrated I start throwing things around and scream so loud that all the mirrors break.
When I'm really sad it starts pouring rain as it had never rained before. When I am happy everyone around me starts saying "P.J.?". I never understood that. Who is PJ? I understand that my tattoo reads out P.J. but who the hell would be called PJ in South Korea?

My doctors told me that my powers would either be to make it rain or to make it stop raining but since my genes were fighting with my mom's and dad's powers, it got mixed up and now 'stopping rain' power is fighting with 'breaking glass' power.

I'm not very mentally stable so that makes it even worse for doctors and nurses to deal with me.

One time I climbed the roof and screamed so loud that all the windows on the hospital broke. It felt good to relieve everything that's been on my chest. Sadly, not long after that I got put into a 'crazy' room. The room where they tie you up and you basically go crazy because you can't do anything.
Today is the 9th of March. My birthday.


"Hey, Joonie hyung." I said flashing a small and meaningless smile to the older.

Namjoon glanced at me and gave me a small meaningless smile back. He's not very talkative, as you can see.

"Have you hear of the new person?" I said putting my tray opposite of his and sitting on the opposite side of the table.

"The blond?" He said making me nod.
Namjoon nodded back to me, meaning he had already seen the boy. I didn't know the boys name but I for sure couldn't forget his looks. I wondered why he'd ended up in an ugly place like this when he could have so much out there.

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