2nd Dare Master #4: A Party To Remember (CaptainDiAngelo)

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The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) is dedicated to protecting citizens from supernatural forces

The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) is dedicated to protecting citizens from supernatural forces. Agents within the agency are trained and mentally prepared to face the unknown.


"Case #1013, Park Jimin, a teenage boy with pyrokinesis," stated the co-director, reading off a file with a tired look plastered on his face, "he is unwilling to talk about the birthday party. He says he much rather rot in his cell than to speak of that day."

He rolled his eyes and glared at his partner. He hadn't slept much since the new patient arrived a week ago. He stupidly agreed to help the young man get back on his feet, but he didn't realize that Park Jimin would make him lose his precious beauty sleep.

"Namjoon, I tried- I swear I tried, but the kid literally threw a fireball at me! Please, let's just give up on this case and leave him in that cell," advised the sleep-deprived agent.

"Hoseok, I told you, we can't just give up. Dozens of students went missing the day of the party! It's our duty to inform those families what happened to their child," Namjoon said harshly.

"What did you think was going to happen? That Jimin would just gladly hand you the information? What a cruel joke."

"No," Hoseok mumbled, pouting like a child.

Namjoon ran a shaky hand through his silver hair, "I'm sorry I snapped, I'm just frustrated. I understand that you need help on the case, I'll try to find another agent to help you. Meanwhile, you should get some sleep, I can see the bags under your eyes."

Hoseok hurriedly gathered his files and bowed to Namjoon before leaving the office, his entire body yearning for his bed.

Namjoon sighed before returning back to work. He needed to sign patient forms regarding more supernaturals entering the facility. Even though less than 2% of the world's population consisted of higher beings, it seemed like they caused a whole lot of problems. Problems that Namjoon had to clean up.

Taking a quick break, Namjoon reached for his back pocket for his phone, going through his contacts and clicking on a number he hadn't called in years.

This is going to be a long call, he thought.


Jimin had noticed that his continuous pattern of crying and laughing was making the security guards uncomfortable. They decided to mute Jimin's cell, which meant that Jimin could hear them, but not the other way around.

Choosing to later taunt the guards, the teenager examined his surroundings while holding onto his teddy bear. His small cell had three white walls and one glass wall, which he used to communicate with the rest of the world. The room itself is design specifically to neutralize or diminish abilities, so Jimin can create flames but they are harmless.

He had heard earlier that new patients would be coming in, meaning he could possibly be getting a roommate. Jimin hated the idea of sharing such a small space with a stranger, but it's not like he had the freedom to complain.
A series of grunts and feet screeching against the floor disrupted Jimin's train of thoughts. Two guards held a boy about his age. The boy fought back, he managed to punch one of the guards and kick the other one. Just as he was about to make a run for it, one of the agents electrocuted him.

They dragged the unconscious body into Jimin's cell and left silently, shutting the door behind them. Jimin held tight his teddy bear as he crawled closer to identify the newcomer. His uniform, which everyone wore, contained his name.

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