As Real As Reality (tereselovlien)

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As Real As Reality

The letter felt light in my hands. My eyes wouldn't stop reading the words were handwritten.

To me.

A smile crept on my face; this was for me. This letter was meant for me. My heart wouldn't slow down - it was too happy. I was too happy. He sent me this letter. A love letter.

You with the blond-dyed hair, that my eyes refuse to leave.

You with the auburn small beautiful eyes, that my gaze cannot help but get lost in.

You with the small height, that makes me want to protect you.

You with the soft cheeks, that it makes me want to squeeze them.

You with the plump pink lips, that makes me want to kiss them.

You with the tender smile, that makes my heart flutter.

You, who are Park Jimin, make me want to be your boyfriend and protect you forever.

I had to read it again. I had to make sure I was reading this correctly, but the words didn't change. I tried to pinch myself, but I didn't wake up.
I tried to see if the letter would disappear in my hands, but it didn't.

It was real. His feelings for me was real.

The truth: I was in love with my classmate, Min Yoongi. Everything about him was perfect to me. His smile was perfect. His eyes were perfect. His personality was perfect. He was everything. And now he had sent me
a love letter?

I couldn't help but laugh a little. It was a bit funny, right? I mean, my crush for two years who I barely had talked with out of shyness suddenly gave me a love letter? What was there to notice about me? I was nothing special.

You with the tender smile, that makes my heart flutter.

Thinking about the letter made me smile uncontrollably. I turned around, only to spot the boy I hadn't been able to stop thinking about for two years now, smiling in my direction.

I was so startled I backed up against my locker, hitting my head in the progress, only to earn laughter from the other students around me who witnessed. My face turned warm and I felt my embarrassment overwhelming me until I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.


It was his voice. I could tell. I had listened to his voice for so long that I knew it was him every time he spoke. He had this deep raspy voice, but
not too deep either. He had this habit of whining when talking, making him seem gloomy at times, but I knew better. I had studied this boy and his first impression was nothing like his personality. He was an angel and that was that.

"Jimin, are you okay?" he asked again.
I opened my eyes again after calming down. His eyes were staring back in mine, making me feel giggly and happy. And then it hit me.

Yoongi. He sent me the letter. Was that the reason he made sure I was okay? Did he see me looking dizzy and embarrassed, which he should probably know about me if he actually fancied me?

I couldn't help but be slightly doubtful. After all, I could be mistaken. The letter only said it was written by MYG. My first thought was Min Yoongi,
of course, because he was basically the only person I knew with those letters. But what if I had a secret admirer instead? What if it wasn't him?

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