Sierra sat down on the couch with Jade in her lap, nervously tapping her foot. "Mommy, stop that," she giggled. Sierra tapping her foot was causing her to bounce around on her knee. Jade asking to stop just caused Sierra to do it more, so both of their laughters filled the room.

"It's time!" Someone shouted outside. "Get lined up!" Jade immediately jumped up from Sierras lap and into Sierra's moms' arms.

Sierra slowly rose from the couch and slowly walked into the line. Soon, her dad was by her side and wrapping his arm around hers. "You look beautiful." He grinned kissing her cheek. Sierra could only give off a small smile because if she opened her mouth, she was afraid she might throw up.

The music started and the first couple walked out, everyone took a step up. Someone else went out, a step up. Every time she saw someone move, Sierra jumped.

"Sierra, what's wrong?" She heard her dad question beside her. She hadn't realized she was crying. Next thing she knew, she was wheezing.

Sierra backed away from everyone else and started sobbing. What the hell am I crying? Why the hell am I having an asthma attack?! I'm getting married, I shouldn't be scared or nervous!

But Sierra couldn't help but be nervous. "Sierra stop crying!" Her dad put his arms around her.

"I'm so nervous. I'm so scared." She started listing off the adjectives with which she was feeling right now. "I'm so-"

"In love with Ramin." He finished the sentence for her. "If you really love him then you would stop crying now and walk down the aisle to him."

Sierra cracked a small smile and stopped crying and wheezing. "Can I just have a minute alone, with Jade?" Seconds later, Jade comes running over to Sierra. "Hi darling." Sierra coos, sitting down and hugging her.

"Mommy, shouldn't you be with ramen noodles?" Sierra laughed a bit, kissing her forehead.

"Is everyone gone already?" Sierra knew she was holding up the entire wedding and Ramin was probably freaking about the fact that she wasn't walking down the aisle. Jade nodded. "Well, I guess that means that we should go, right?"

Sierra took a deep breath and stood up, taking Jade with her. She reminded Jade what to do and let her go down the aisle. "Ready, now?" Her dad asked, grabbing her hand.

"Ready to marry Ramin? Of course." Sierra grinned, squeezing his hand.

The doors to the church opened, and all Sierra could see was Ramin. Their eyes locked and never strayed from each other.

Sierra felt tears streaming down her face as she got to the alter. Her dad gave her over to Ramin and their hands entwined.

The whole ceremony went by in a blur, including Ramin's adorable vows. That is, until they got to the end.

"Ramin Karimloo, do you take Sierra Boggess to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The pastor huffed out.

Ramin reached over an wiped the tears from Sierras eyes, but it was useless. "I promise." He whispered to her. More tears fell down her face.

"Sierra Boggess, do you take Ramin Karimloo to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The pastor huffed again.

"I promise."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Ramin smirked at Sierra first, then pressed his lips to hers. They stayed like that for a little bit before he pulled away. Ramin and Sierra virtually ran down the aisle so they could be alone.

Once the church doors were shut and nobody was near or in view, Ramin put his hands on Sierras hips and spun her around. Sierra giggled, but still crying. "Did I tell you that you're the most beautiful woman in the entire world?" Sierra blushed, pulling him in for a kiss.

I Promise {Rierra}Where stories live. Discover now