Love Live! Fantasy! Chapter 10 "Forneus Awakening Power!!"

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"I'm sorry, but we're not used to everyday leadership, and training all of our lives as she is. You gotta give her credit for spending her life just doing this." Dia looked at Yohane with her hands raised a little bit.

Yohane crossed her arms and looked away. "I guess, but once we're all done with all of this, what's our plan then?" She asked as she sits down next to Ruby. "Hmmm, well. I'm going to Harvard University when we're all done." Dia said. "I'm going to a different university, but maybe stay as a helper for a while with my parents," Kanan said as she just got done cooking.

"I'm just staying home with my big brother, I really got nothing to do except high school and taking care of him." Ruby smiled at Yohane. "What about you Yohane?" Kanan asked she grab the bowl. "Well, I used to be an actor. I never regret being an actor." Yohane said as she crossed her arms.

Rest of the Aqours finally got done with their shower and sit around with Kanan, Dia, Ruby, and Yohane. You-Chan sniffs as she likes on what she smells. "Wow, it smells amazing, can't wait to have a taste." You-Chan scoops some for herself.

The ground then starts to shake. Aqours then got confused and wondered what's going on. The creature from the ocean came out with a shell on its back. "Ahhh, Forneus is here and ready for action!!" He said. Riko and Leah came from behind and start their first move. Forneus panicked and went into a ball form as the shell protects him.

Forneus then got up and give them a stab at them back with his long nails. "Nice try, but those attacks felt like pillows!" Riko and Leah fall back with a little bit of smoke they got from his attack. Mari used her special move. "Stargazer!!" but thanks to Forneus shell, he didn't feel a thing.

He flipped Mari over and landed on her back. "Argh... my back... I think it just cracked..." Mari had her back straight and couldn't even move because she was paralyzed. Riko flies towards him and gave him an elbow kick from her right elbow, but it was his shell that protected him.

Riko flies back a little bit as she was on her knees with her left hand was holding her arm in pain. "Ow! Ow! Ow! What the hell's this guy's shell made of!?" Forneus charged over to Riko but someone hit him from the head for distraction. Aqours then finally was with Riko.

"Sorry, we were so late Riko. What is this person?" Dia and the rest of Aqours gave him the confusing look with their guard dropping down. "He's a ball?" Ruby asked. Riko got up with a recovery. "Don't underestimate him, Mari and I couldn't even dent his shell."

"I'll take a shot at it then!" You-Chan with her axe and her crononite crystal. She starts shooting at Forneus. He then got scared and turned his shell into a ball with no effect on him by You-Chan's hits. "You girls are even lamer than that Angel is!" He yelled.

"Don't worry! I'll take a shot at him!" Chika used her Achilles sword to burn the shell but it didn't work for her. Dia helped her with wind magic but still got nothing on Forneus shell. "What the? Even my Z Breaker didn't work." Chika Shockley said.

Kanan then was next to go as she shoots water from her trident special move "Infinite Assault" But all it did was just cleaning his shell from the dirt and fire. Forneus then got into the offense and return back from his shell. "All you did was cleaned my indestructible shell, thanks a lot!"

Riko then gave a half smile and a smirk face. "Are you sure that's all we did?" Forneus got confused as he heard and felt something like a crack noise and it was from his shell. "Huh!? Argh... Oww!! How!?"

"Your armor maybe handle a single attack, but with a right attack, and the right orders. Even your armor isn't strong enough. First I soften your shell for the sacrificed of my shoulder, then we raised its temperature with our enhanced heat and wind attack. Last, the water quickly cooled your hot shell, making it brittle." Riko crossed her arms and gave him the smug look.

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