Part 27 - Welcome to Ohio

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"Come on, Lynn!" Cash whined. "I need to pack and I still haven't gotten used to this speed thing." He shook me. I groaned, turning and hitting his arm lazily. "You haven't packed either and we leave in thirty minutes. Come on!" I sped off the bed, and shoved Cash against a wall. I playfully nibbled on the skin at his neck. "What's gotten into you?"

"I don't need to be careful anymore. I can torture you as much as I want." I purred happily.

"Okay, how about this; you help me pack and then I'll let you torture me once we get there." I shook my head. Cash furrowed his eyebrows.

"That might lead to something more than just playful torture." I whispered with disappointment in my voice. Cash grabbed my hand and put his lips to my knuckles.

"Listen to me, Lynn. When I'm with you and you're radiating all of this confidence off you, I can't help but feel confident too. And, I want to make you feel the things you've made me feel. I want to make you feel like you're body is cared for and treated right by a guy. I want to be that guy. You said it yourself, we don't have too worry about hurting one another too badly. I want to make you feel amazing. You don't have to worry about me. I know you'll stop me if you know something I'm too afraid to admit." I smiled. I reached up and wrapped my arms around Cash's neck. I gave him a light kiss on the lips then vanished from his arms. I heard Cash chuckle. "Can't wait to get her back for that."

I finished our packing then returned to Cash's arms. He chuckled, nipping playfully at the skin on my neck. I giggled at the touch. Cash sunk his fangs into my skin. I'm not quite used to this yet, but I know that it is most certainly addicting. I moaned happily when Cash bit down harder. He tugged for a moment then pulled his fangs out. "You know, after the first time we have sex, I don't think we'll be able to stop."

"Why do you say that?" Cash inquired.

"Because vampires are notorious for acting on their emotions." I whispered seductively.

"Come on, love birds!" Maverick yelled. We grabbed our bags and got in the backseat of Maverick's car. Lani is going elsewhere. She has some modeling to go do. Maverick started the car and drove us off.


We arrived at the airport. Cash tightly held my hand as we walked inside. I had to let go to get through security. Cash went through quickly then rejoined my side. We got our things before going and waiting to board the train. The boys did some Tik Toking, most of which included me. Cash kissed my cheek a few times. He loves showing me off.

"Omg! It's Cash Baker!" A girl screamed.

"And Ashlyn!" A second girl squealed.

"Maverick!" A boy exclaimed. Three kids ran up to us. A fourth boy trailed behind. He seemed about our age.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The older boy said. He grabbed one girl by the arm and the boy by his shirt. "Kylie!" He hissed. The supposed Kylie was the one to squeal out my name. I bent down to her level. "Kylie, Mom said to stay with me."

"But it's Ashlyn Stone!" Kylie whined. "Come on, Jackson! Please?" He gave in, allowing Kylie to come over to me. Her two siblings came running over as well.

"I'm so sorry. They're my siblings and I love them, but they are also triplets who gang up on me." Jackson apologized.

"It's alright." Cash assured him.

"My name is Kylie." Kylie told me with a nervous grin.

"That's so cool." I told her. "My niece is named Kylie who was named after my mom." She squealed.

"Can I have a picture?" I nodded my head.

"How does they know you three?" Jackson asked as he handed me his phone. I took a photo with Kylie then had her take her siblings photos. I looked over at Cash who seems to be enjoying this and not worrying about anything.

"Well, Cash and Maverick are famous on Tik Tok. I am too, but I'm mainly known off YouTube." I explained. Jackson nodded. They called our gate. We said goodbye and left them. "You did it." I said to Cash, nudging him.

"Yeah, I did." He replied proudly. We got our seats then just sat and waited.


I have lots of pictures of being in the sky. We're on the ground now, getting an uber to take us to where we are staying. Once we settled in, Maverick had to go to the studio. Cash took me to our room. The second the door closed, he put his lips to my neck. I gasped in shock, but smiled nonetheless. He nipped at my skin, grazing it with his fangs. He has a hand resting on my side and the other hand cupping the back of my head. He tugged on my hair just a bit. I moaned in pleasure which encouraged him. Now that he can feel everything I do, he knows if he's hurting me or not.

I growled, ripping myself from Cash's arm. He stared at me in confusion. "I'm supposed to be torturing you." I hissed, stepping forward. I threw Cash onto the bed. I smirked as I did so. I sped to him, straddling him before he knew I moved.

"You're sexy when you're mad." He commented with a challenging smirk. I put my lips on his, aggressively kissing him. He responded back. I played with the small hairs on the back of his head. My free hand massaged his bicep. He put a hand on my waist and then the other on the back of my neck. He licked my bottom lip and I widened my mouth. I ran my tongue over his braces like I usually do. Cash flipped our positions, taking me by surprise. He's learning how to tap into his inner strength and is using it against me. His hand slipped under my shirt, grazing against my skin as it trailed up to my breast. I struggled to keep up in the kiss. Cash ended up breaking our lips apart, instead placing his on my neck. His hand slipped under my bra, his thumb softly rubbing the underside of my breast.

"I thought I was supposed to be in charge." I whispered.

"Things changed." Cash replied. I can feel him smiling against my skin. Cash sat me up some then tugged on my shirt. I nodded and he pulled it over my head. Don't tell me this is how our first time will go... I thought to myself. I closed my eyes as Cash trailed kisses down my body. This can't happen like this. Cash stopped, probably sensing my nerves. "Hey, what's wrong?" Cash whispered. I opened my eyes, looking into those of Cash. Not like this... I can feel it radiating off of him. It's not like he knows that it's taking over, but I do. He said he's trusting me to stop this if it goes too far. I have to stop it. I sped off by slipping out from under Cash. I locked the bathroom door then ran my hands through my hair. "Ashlyn?" My breathing is quick and I don't know why. What the fuck is wrong with me? "Lynn, what's wrong?" Cash asked, knocking on the door. I looked at the person in the mirror. "Talk to me." I took deep, calming breaths. "Come on, Lynn. Tell me what's wrong." I opened the bathroom door.

"Sorry..." I whispered. "I... I just... We couldn't..." I stumbled to find words. Cash just pulled me to his chest and hugged me.

"Don't be sorry. I'm sorry, Lynn. I didn't realize." He whispered in my ear. His arms are tightly around me. "I understand that, but I don't understand why you didn't just say something."

"I couldn't..." I mumbled. "I just couldn't... I don't get it."

"It's okay." Cash kissed my head. He picked me up and carried me to the bed. He set me down. "Do you want a shirt?" I nodded my head. "Do I have to swear one?" I shook my head. Cash took off his shirt then handed it to me. I smiled as I put it on. It's warm and smells like Cash. Cash crawled into the bed with me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him. I cuddled up with him. "I promise you that our first time will be romantic, okay?" I softly nodded my head. Cash's finger trailed hearts on my shoulder. He's at peace which helped me to relax. He's upset with himself, but he knows he didn't mean it and he knows that I know that too.

That's part twenty seven! Ah!


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