Part 4 - Getting What I Deserve

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I walked out the door the next morning to find Cash's car already gone. I leaned against the door frame. Guess I'm running today. I took off at inhuman speeds, arriving at school in just five seconds. I came out of the tree line, seeing Cash's car parked in the same spot it was yesterday.

My bruise healed the second I ate this morning so that's fixed. My body is repaired, but my anger issues are not. So when I seen that girl from yesterday kissing Cash, my anger swelled up and I punched a tree. Unlike my wall, it didn't create as big of a whole, but it did leave a small dent.

Maybe I should keep him out of my life. People I love tend to get hurt because of me. I've always been good at pushing others away, but Cash is different. I hurt more without him than I do seeing him kissing another girl. Not that he'd kiss me anyway.

I leaned against the dented tree, just watching everyone in the parking lot. "Look! It's Los Angeles rebel!" Someone yelled. I eyed the source carefully. It's this school's queen bee. A.K.A. Cash's leech. I grit my teeth, standing up straighter. "What are you gonna tag this year, huh?"

"Definitely not something nice about you." I called back with a smirk. "You're over here, thinking you're all high and mighty for kissing a Tik Tok star. Sure, he may be really popular, but you're still a little bitch. What's your name?"

"Julia. Julia James." She replied proudly. I snorted.

"Tell me, Julia, do you remember someone by the name Penelope Keeling?" Julia's face paled.

"She... She took care of me when I was in Los Angeles. She was always really sweet. How do you know her?"

"That was my brother's fiance. She died in a car crash just so you know. I was there. Do you remember me?"

"You were really sweet and kind to me. We were quickly best friends. Why are you saying all this?"

"Because part of me died in that crash too. The part you met. I was being chased by some really bad people in L.A." I laughed bitterly. "They wanted me dead for simply beating the shit out of them. So, I took a gun with me to protect myself. Of course, I've gotten stronger since then and don't need a gun for protection. The point of my story is that not everything is as it seems." I took a small bow with a pretend smile on my face. It was gone when I stood up straight. "But don't think I'm not willing to kick your ass because you tried humiliating me in the parking lot." I walked up to the building. People parted like the Red Sea to let me through, afraid to cross me the wrong way. Everyone but Cash. He just stood there, guilt written on his face for assuming the worst. "Guess they should learn better than look at girl the wrong way for protecting herself." I whispered to him. He didn't dare look me in the eye. I smirked and continued on my way. Once I reached the top step, I spun around to face the crowd. "By the way!" I yelled across the parking lot. "I'm not someone you want to be friends with. Ever."


I waited outside, leaning on Damien's car as I waited for everyone else to leave. Ever since my speech this morning, people have been scurrying to get out of my way.

"I see you stood up for yourself." Damien commented. I smirked, nodding my head. "But you possibly ruined your relationship with Cash, right?" My smirk dropped.

"He's better off without me." I hissed.

"He feels it too, Ash. He just doesn't know what he's feeling." Damien looked at me through his sunglasses. I could see the knowing look in his eye. "Pushing him away won't do either of you any good. You've met, the connection was made the first time you touched, and it's only going to grow." I grabbed Damien by the collar and pressed him against the vehicle. I felt my eyes dilate, the red color bleeding in from my pupil and covering my crystal blue irises.

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