2 am snuggles

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You couldn't sleep so you walked into your boyfriends room. He gets very cranky when you try to wake him up so you try to do it as nice as possible.

"Dani?" You walk closer to his bed.

"Babe?.. Daniel"

"hmm" he said barely having his eyes open.

"I can't sleep can we cuddle?"

"Right now? It's two in the morning"

"I know that's why I'm in your room"

"fine babe we can snuggle but when I wanna snuggle at two in the morning we're snuggling no matter what"

"haha ok"

"well get in bed Babe"

He snuggles up against me and just a few minutes later we both feel asleep.

Next Night.

Daniel POV

I'll wake up at two in the morning and do what Y/N did to me. Even though I loved that we snuggled all last night, so I wanna do it again. I walk across the hallway to Y/N's room. I open the door slowly.

"Y/N?" I go closer to her.

"Babe? .. Honey?"

"Yes Dani?"

"Can we snuggle? I can't sleep."

"Haha yes Daniel we can snuggle"

She makes room for me and we snuggle all night again.


"Yes Dani?"

"I love youu"

"I love you tooo babe"

Daniel Seavey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now