Chapter 1

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Y/n POV:

My head hurt as I awoke on the ground with leaves in part of a jungle. Above the trees was the sun seeping in through the cracks with intentions of blinding me. My hand lifted from the ground to block out it's dangerous rays as I lifted myself from the ground.

I headed a rustle nearby, my eyes averted in that direction but nothing was there. Shrugging it off as wind I continued on, until I heard a voice,

'Hello,' It said, 'Is somewhere there?'

I said nothing.

A boy emerged from the bushes, he looked older than me. He looked at me and introduced himself.
'Hi, I'm Ralph. What's your name?'

'Y/n,' I state.

'Y/n,' He repeats, 'have you seen anyone else?'

I shake my head.

'Where are we?' He asks.

'On an island,' I state like it's the most obvious thing.

'You can't be sure,' He looks at me.

'I can when I saw that it was an island before we crashed,' I explain. He nods.

'Follow me,' He orders. I momentarily glare at him, it's instinctive to do so. Regardless of this, I reluctantly follow him.

We're led to sand, him walking in front of me whislt I have my hands in pockets and trail behind.

'Hey!' A voice calls out behind, 'hey, wait up!'

A fat boy with glasses who's panting heavily with every step runs towards us, stopping to take deep breaths once he reaches us.

'You're survivors, like me,' He says. No shit, Sherlock. 'What are your names?'


'Y/n,' I boredly state, walking off. Neither of us bother to ask his name, because quite frankly we don't care. I only care about where my brother, Jack, is. I hope he survived.

'I just don't want anyone to call me what they use to call me in school,' The far bot says.

'What was that?' Ralph asks.

'They used to call me Piggy,' He looks down in shame as Ralph laughs.

'Piggy! Piggy!' He continues to laugh.

'Just don't tell the others,' Piggy almost begs.

'Sure.' I say to him, watching as he adjusts his glasses.

'Is there no one else around?' The fat boy asks.

'I guess not,' Ralph shrugs.

'What about grown-ups?' He continues to ramble. God, can he shut up?

Ralph looks around, 'haven't seen any.'

Ralph suddenly smiles brightly.

'Why are you smiling?' I ask.

'There aren't any grown-ups!' He yells, 'we can do whatever we want.'

We all stops walking when we get closer to the water. I look into the blue ocean and admire how clear it appears.

Ralph strips down, leaving on his underwear, and goes into the water. I sit on a rock that's already in the water and watch him. Piggy just watches from the sand.

'You can't half swim,' Piggy admires Ralph.

'My dad taught me. He's in the navy,' Ralph explained.

'Do you think he knows we're here then?' I ask.

'Probably. They would notice that our plane went missing,' Ralph tells me. He then looks to piggy, 'why don't you come in?'

'My auntie says I can't because of my asthma,' Piggy informs us.

'Ass-mar?' Ralph says the word in a weird way. 'Sucks to your ass-mar!'

'Look,' I say, getting up from the rock and reaching into the water, 'a shell.'

I admire is, a pinkish white she'll with a pretty pattern and unique shape.

'Its a conch,' Piggy suddenly speaks. I throw it to him, he doesn't catch it but picks it up, 'if you blow here, then it makes a loud noise.'

Ralph is now out of the water and takes the conch. He attempts to blow it, but no sounds comes out.

'No, do it there,' Piggy points to a certain part of the conch.

Ralph tries again, and this time I cover my ears because of the loud sound. Birds fly away in the distant, disrupted of their peace. But more sound comes closer.

Slowly, people begin to make their way to us. Mostly children. I then see at least 9 people dressed in black making their wah towards us. It looks like the choir Jack is in.

Once closer, I notice that they are, in fact, the very same choir. Once closer, I spot Jack at the front.

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