The Jail Warden

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You knew you couldn't be the only person afraid of these mechs in the prison, especially Megatron after he was captured and locked up. All you knew is that you were absolutely done with this job, even more so since you were keeping an optic on Shockwave, Megatron and Lugnut. Who all, compared you, were titanic Cybertronians.

At least you weren't the only person on this job detail, Bumblebee and Tempest were as well. Tempest was... less than pleased about watching her former boss, especially since she had lost Swarm in the very beginning days of the war. Bumblebee, meanwhile, was pumped because he was one of the one that helped take down these mechs.

"Isn't it time for our break?" You asked the femme across from you, both you and Tempest had been playing card games to occupy the time.
"It is." A mech's voice shook you right to the core, looking up to catch Shockwave staring at the both of you intently. "I believe you best send Bumblebee out before you get antsy." He continued, which made Tempest across from you hiss with dismay.

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