Hydracon Base

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How you ended up being stuck with the femme combiner group? You didn't even know that for a fact. All you knew was that some sort of trouble happened and you were stuck going to check on the troublesome Hydracons. Then again... who even WERE the Hydracons?

Well, let's just put it this way, you knew their names and genders. That was it. The only reason for genders: is because they were all femmes.

You knew who the most dangerous was, and that was leader herself. Swarm Master, shortened to Swarm for ease of conversation. Followed by Moonguard, triplechanger with a temper. After that would be... Sunbreaker? Yeah, Sunbreaker. Phoenix beastformer with a nova ability that could take out bots because of radiation. Who else was there..?

Oh yes, Shadowblitz. Formerly a wolf beastformer, now a simple two wheeler. Except that she retains her wolf-like audio receptors and is missing an optic from those days. The final, and probably least intimidating of the five, was Blind Heat. Only named such a way because she can resist the skyrocketed temperature of the smelting pools. Rumor has it that she considers it her 'hot shower'.

But too late did that thought come, you now standing at the entrance of the base. May as well knock and see who answers the door.

(You have your choice of the five mentioned. Aka
Swarm Master
Blind Heat

Just let me know who you want to answer.)

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